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Author Topic: 分类词汇  (Read 143857 times)

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« Reply #105 on: October 15, 2012, 12:31:48 PM »


notebook 笔记本;diary 日记本;exercise book 练习本;textbook 课本;household register 户口本;script 剧本;phone book 电话本;loose-leaf 活页本;account book 账本;notepad 记事本;version 版本;sketchbook 速写本;laptop 笔记本
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« Reply #106 on: October 15, 2012, 12:48:32 PM »


gentle 温和;frank 坦率;diligent 勤奋;friendly 友善;enthusiastic/warmhearted 热心;brave 勇敢;smart 聪明;humorous 幽默;timid 腼腆;lazy 懒惰;childish 幼稚;selfish 自私;cruel 冷酷;greedy 贪婪;sentimental 多愁善感
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« Reply #107 on: October 16, 2012, 06:16:18 PM »


cash现金;buck美金;coin硬币;note纸币;banknote钞票;fund 资金;change 零钱;commission佣金;tuition学费;fare票价;admission入场费;cost成本;freight运费;postage邮费;rent租费;tip小费;red packet红包;phone bill电话费
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« Reply #108 on: October 19, 2012, 12:47:47 AM »


rose 玫瑰花;tulip 郁金香;balsam 凤仙花;canna 美人蕉;lily 百合花;jasmine 茉莉;sunflower 向日葵;morning-glory 牵牛花;cosmos 大波斯菊;gladiolus 剑兰;orchid 兰花.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 02:05:42 AM by SEO »
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« Reply #109 on: October 19, 2012, 05:33:42 PM »


 flatware 餐具; napkin 餐巾; table cloth 桌布; tea -pot 茶壶; tea set 茶具; tea tray 茶盘; dish 碟; plate 盘; saucer 小碟子; rice bowl 饭碗; chopsticks筷子; soup spoon 汤匙; fork叉子; knife 餐刀; cup 杯子; glass玻璃杯; fruit plate果盘~
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« Reply #110 on: October 19, 2012, 05:42:35 PM »


conjunction 连词;pronoun 代词;noun 名词;verb 动词;adjective 形容词;auxiliary 助动词;adverb 副词;article 冠词;preposition 介词;intransitive verb 不及物动词;transitive verb 及物动词;numeral 数词;uncountable noun 不可数名词;countable noun, 可数名词;interjection 感叹词;preposition 介词;interrogative 疑问词
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« Reply #111 on: October 19, 2012, 05:44:20 PM »


employer 雇主;employee 雇员; probation staff 试用人员;department 部门;position 职位; benefits、welfare 福利; bonus 奖金;part-time 兼职;full-time 全职;short-term contracts 短期合同;temporary worker 临时工;income taxes 收入所得税~~~
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« Reply #112 on: October 20, 2012, 11:07:20 AM »


against time 分秒必争;all the time 一直;at a time 每次;at times 有时;in no time 立即;in good time 及时地;many a time 屡次;keep time 合拍子;big time 愉快的时光,巨大的成功, closing time 下班时间.



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« Reply #113 on: October 21, 2012, 02:01:12 AM »


pork 猪肉;mutton 羊肉;dog meat 狗肉;beef 牛肉;duck 鸭肉;goose 鹅肉;chicken 鸡肉;sausage 香肠;lean meat 瘦肉;tender meat 嫩肉;fatty meat 肥肉;dried meat floss 肉松;smoked meat 烟熏肉;ham 火腿;barbecue 烤肉



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« Reply #114 on: October 21, 2012, 10:17:49 AM »


grain/cereal 谷物;barley 大麦;rye 黑麦;oat 燕麦;crop 农作物;wheat 小麦;maize/corn 玉米;rice 稻;sorghum 高粱;buckwheat 荞麦;triticale 黑小麦;millet 谷子;bran/chaff 麸,糠


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« Reply #115 on: November 06, 2012, 07:25:33 PM »


anxious 焦虑的;cranky 怪异的;distressed 痛苦的;distraught 心烦意乱的;edgy 暴躁的;fidgety 烦躁的;frazzled 疲惫不堪的;irritable 易怒的;jittery 紧张不安的;nervous 紧张的;overwhelmed 不知所错的;restless 焦躁不安的;stressed out 精疲力尽的。
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« Reply #116 on: November 06, 2012, 07:42:52 PM »


treetop 树梢;branch 树枝;twig 小树枝;bough 大树枝;leaf 树叶;sapling 树苗;tree root 树根;bark 树皮;pith 木髓;annual ring 年轮;stump 树桩;trunk 树干;taproot 主根;sprout 新芽
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« Reply #117 on: November 09, 2012, 12:07:25 PM »


1.violin 小提琴 2. viola 中提琴 3.cello 大提琴 4.bass 低音提琴 5.guitar 吉他 6.cymbals 钹 7.trombone  长号  8.saxophone 萨克斯管 9.piccolo 短笛10.flute 长笛 11.oboe 双簧管 12.clarinet 单簧管13.tuba 大号 14.trumpet 小号 15.xylophone 木琴16.bass drum 大鼓 17.snare drum 小鼓。
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« Reply #118 on: November 20, 2012, 04:33:17 PM »

1) high seas / open sea   远海 2) inlet 小湾 3 )  gulf 海湾 4) cove 湾 5)  cape 海角 6)  harbor 港 7)  beach/shore 海滩 8)  sandbank 沙滩 9)  sandbar 沙洲 10)  shore 海岸 11) bank 河岸 12) delta 三角洲 13)  canal 运河 14)  reef 礁石。
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« Reply #119 on: November 25, 2012, 10:36:22 AM »


porc 猪肉;tenderloin 里脊;meat chop 排骨;marbled meat 五花肉;kidney 腰子;pettitoes 猪蹄;entrails/sweetbread 杂碎;beef 牛肉;steak 牛排;beef paddywack 牛板筋;mutton 羊肉;lamb 羔羊肉
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