出版物 (Publications)
About to publish? Make sure your text is accurate and authentic.
杂志 (Magazines)
An innumerable array of magazines and periodicals now fill the shelves of newspaper stands countrywide. This proliferation of reading-material does not stop at the magazine stand. Whether in a café or restaurant, waiting room or even when travelling by train, plane or bus, it is highly likely that we will buy or pick up a magazine in some form or another. As the rate of magazine publications has increased, the demand for bilingual publications has increased too. An inaccurate translation is far from satisfactory; a reputable magazine demands quality and attention to detail. Yet surprisingly, it is no understatement to say that the standard of translation in most bilingual magazines is not up to standard.
宣传手册 (Brochures and Prospectuses)
Whether you are a school, commercial enterprise or organization, successfully attracting clients is naturally at the heart of your venture. Achieving such a goal likely requires making good use of an enticing brochure or prospectus in order to attract clients, members, buyers, or investors. In today’s competitive society, inaccuracies in such documents would obviously be inappropriate and unacceptable.
书刊 (Books)
Cultural barriers are being broken at astonishing rates as more and more literature is produced in a variety of languages. Just like good writing, translating and proofreading are rightly known as art forms. In the wrong hands, meanings can be altered and thoughts and emotions can be incorrectly expressed.