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Author Topic: What was your biggest mistake when you tried to ascend with a girl you like?  (Read 1379 times)

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What was your biggest mistake when you tried to ascend with a girl you like?

Inceldom sucks...


  • A wannabe (a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people) gymcel
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What was my biggest mistake when I tried to ascend with a girl I like?

In my personal experience it was once when I thought that one will like my special oral skills in s. and I told her that I can do it well (I tried it because I heard that there are many females who complain that their boyfriends, lovers, husbands and other kinds of partners do not want to orally respect them. I wanted to show that I'm an orally respectful person.) But she was that kind of "I had a better opinion about you! You're not what I thought. And I am not what you're thinking."

(I still don't know if she really was that moral or just because I am not a Chad. If it was a really attractive Chad, could she say the same to him? Or she could accept him?

According to those experiments online where someone shows a Chad photo (photos)/profile and speaks dirty and highly disrespectfully, there are many females who are accepting this rudeness, dirtiness and even willing to get closer with him... (it is knows as "Chadfishing" online you know... ) I bet that highly likely the problem was that I'm not a Chad, Chang, Chadpreet or something around these levels.

But because there is a probability that she was really very moral, I do admit it as a mistake of mine and even my biggest one.)
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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 Well, there was that case when I've got 100% true information that the girl I like likes bigger, stronger, muscular males. At that time I developed my romantic and aesthetic abilities, my knowledge and I practices some light sports (plus martial arts) but I didn't pay attention to start building more muscle mass. I thought that with persistence related to romantics (poems, paintings, presents), good care (readiness to protect her when there are bullies, writing some of her projects), unforgettable help (about video games, school, books, music, etc.) and deeds (waiting her hours on the cold snow in front of school to give her a flower for some special occasion), science education (psychology and anthropology, philosophy and so on that helps to understand the human nature better) I will succeed. Well, I didn't. And maybe I could if I did my best that time to do some noticeable bodybuilding.
 In simpler terms, understandable for most of the incels, I stressed on personalitymaxx, studymaxx and some healthmaxx, but I didn't gymmaxx at all (those light sports like badminton, football, biking and the martial arts didn't develop my upper body well; I only got very strong legs at that time... many years later I started to gymmaxx and to include more sports, so now my upper body is much better and if I can turn back the time probably she'll like me, at least, for a short-term relationship).
 So, this was my biggest mistake -- sort of necessary but not sufficient. Like Karel Chapek wrote in one of his books -- males from the elder generation doesn't need to be better in sports (i. e. to gymmaxx), they just had to artmaxx (for example to write poems, to play the piano) but the younger generation stress on sports. This trend is even stronger now -- nowadays you just can't afford to hope to ascend if you're not gymmaxxed (except when you're rich or moneymaxxed). It doesn't mean that you have to neglect your educationmaxx, personality, carrier (status) and so on; it just means not to forget to take good care for your body (including your health) -- the gymmaxxing and the healthmaxxing.
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at least, for a short-term relationship
Maybe some incels and incelologists will wonder why?

Good incel

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Yes, they will. :)
Inceldom sucks...


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Well, it's because of some objective and subjective reasons like these:

1. No matter how hard I tried to become taller, I couldn't reach her height; her both parents are very tall (around 1.90 m) and genetically it was unavoidable she to remain a short girl. My father and my mother are middle (average) height and short height respectively. She often complained that "The men from our country are so short!" (in fact she is very tall) and she thinks that normally tall are the German males. So, I suppose that even she was my girlfriend when she was shorter than me later when she became taller will break up with me.

2. Later she told me that she's cheating her boyfriend with a younger man. After that she broke up with that boyfriend and get married to another (richer and handsomer) man. So, I think that in this case she could break up with me too (if I didn't break up with her after her first cheating).

3. She is West-oriented and I am East-oriented. She prefers countries like Germany and USA. I do prefer countries like Singapore and Korea. In this case there isn't some compromise like "Let's choose something in the middle like Russia or Afghanistan."
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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By the way this is something "blackpilled". His (MSL's) "oneitis" (after 10+ years of fruitless love) became his net-friend and even sent him some virtual love signs but at the end of the day married to a taller and richer son of a politician. Even the science Chads are losers sometimes... ::)
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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 It's not 100% blackpilled, it's just something that never meant to be. At the beginning she saw me in my first amateur movies (and later in my own TV show (which was about the human love and had the title "A Spark in the Dusk") ) and she said that she likes me and wants to meet me. Well, later she realized that "We just don't match." (Her understanding about the love and relationships was "I have to like his looks 100%, he should be taller than me and strong looking...", i. e. mostly physically oriented. He even said she feels sorry that we don't match physically because in one moment, after years of efforts, help, attention and so on "warm approach" she developed some feelings towards me - semi-friendly and semi-emotional, but never had that true love feeling.)
 Compared with many scientists I may be a "Chad" but compared with the real sports Chads (like those American football players or the Chad prototype -- John Cena), I am just a "gymmaxed Brad" (at best). And it's relativistic because if I'm around people from Indonesia I may look like a Brad or Chadlite (at the very best) but if I'm around people from Germany, I will look like a low-tier Norman (also at the very best). Till now I met only 2 shorter than me German males. (Of course, it's not only the height, there are other things like muscle mass, face, skin, voice, skills, personality, IQ, status and so on, but usually the incels think of the Chads just as "tall, huge, attractive" so I'm trying to be objective according their narrative.)
 Ah, by the way, that father was a politician and a businessman. These days I'm seeing often an online ad of a company that he owns (co-owns?) or owned (co-owned?), so I remembered these guys again... in fact, already many years I'm not in touch with them because they disappointed me seriously.
 Again, the incels who are reading all this have to remember that when they start to maxx (to improve) themselves have to make it well (not only mentally but physically too; not only educationally but economically too). 
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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