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Author Topic: What happens with that brocel who started to gymmaxx with dozen of sports  (Read 1265 times)

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Do you still remember that unique brocel who said in the Reddit's incels without hate (it's already not existing as far as I know) that he's going to ascend or to die (because he started to do many sports at once? It was like yoga + aerobics + self-defence + chess + bodybuilding and he wasn't sure if his body is going to survive this overpressure.
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: What happens with that brocel who started to gymmaxx with dozen of sports
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2022, 05:33:00 AM »
No matter how you try to ascend every time remember that the health is your priority.
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I'm alive
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2022, 12:45:38 AM »
I am the one in question. What I posted here is similar: "I will ascend or I will die from overworking".

I am alive. :) The reason I'm not dead is that I didn't continue that busy job; the boss was too stupid and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I left it. And thus I didn't moneymaxx:( About my physicalmaxx (bodymaxx) I've got significant results: lost weight, build muscle mass, improved my health. So now there are some females who at least dare to chat/talk with me, and some even look at me with sort of interest but maybe it's just because I'm a foreigner... but still, I think that the interest is a bit more than before when I was a fat 2/10 one... Now I am at least a 4/10 to 5/10 person (depends on what you include in it).

I still can't ascend and there are the reasons:

 1/ as I said, failed to moneymaxx (not a surprise nowadays when many economies are struggling with problems). As you know, even some of the Chads without money are single (temporarily incels; in a long term dry spell).
 There is no single rich man, as far as I know, if he's not a volcel or something like a very special case of a locationcel... something around this extend.

 2/ The problems that can't be solved with these maxxings (baldness, shortness, oldness and poorness) are a major obstacle now. Of course, the hatmaxxing nearly solves the baldcel issue; there are many shorter than me around (I'm not that obviously short), the age isn't so visible.... but still, the poverty (see the point 1) is not going to allow me to deal well with the inceldom.

 Later, probably, after around half an year, due to my serious sportmaxx and dietmaxx, I'll obtain a better body, better skin, younger looks... so at that (if there isn't some bigger issue like a war or a serious disease, who knows?) I may be able to attract some females...
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!

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Re: What happens with that brocel who started to gymmaxx with dozen of sports
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2022, 01:40:09 AM »
Good luck!!!
Inceldom sucks...

Good incel

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Re: What happens with that brocel who started to gymmaxx with dozen of sports
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2022, 03:34:02 PM »
There were some funny comments back then... maybe worth it to mention them later. Not offensive.
Inceldom sucks...

Good incel

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Re: What happens with that brocel who started to gymmaxx with dozen of sports
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2022, 03:55:55 AM »
I will rephrase them  ;D


"Hi, honey, I'm practicing self-defense martial arts. I can fight with a Tyrone but only until I run away safely to protect myself, don't expect me to fight him to the end and protect you. But hey, it's okay because I also practice aerobics, yoga and bodybuilding and on top of that, I play chess."


"Hey, Stacy, what's going on?"
"Hi, Becky, I met a guy who practices self-defense and I like him."
"Is he very handsome?"
"No, but he also practices aerobics, yoga and bodybuilding."
"I don't understand you... you said he isn't handsome."
"But check this out - he plays chess too!"
"Wow! So hot!"
"That's right! I'm breaking up with Chad to date this superhuman!"
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: What happens with that brocel who started to gymmaxx with dozen of sports
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2022, 05:24:59 PM »
 All these activities (I am doing more or less the same as the described above -- step aerobics, different martial arts, some juggling, bodybuilding, cross-training, street workout, chess, some basic yoga, bike riding, jogging) are beneficial because:
 1) help you to burn a lot of calories and this keeps you lean and you can enjoy more caloric food (like potatoes, rice, red dates and so on healthy food; avoid non-healthy food).
 2) help you to be more muscular and strong.
 3) help you to improve your intellectual and emotional status (of course only if you add at least some daily learning).
 4) help you to have better skin, physiology and, in a word, better health.
 Surely, all these improvements (health, strength, muscles, knowledge, emotional state) are leading to a higher level. So all of them do make sense. Let's say, now I am a 5/10 man. If I don't read, do all those sports and hard work I'll be something like 2/10... but I do not give up and I am continuing to practice different martial arts, yoga, step aerobics, juggling, bodybuilding, street workout, cross-training, bike riding, jogging and chess, plus I do a lot of hygiene activities -- cleaning, washing, sweeping, taking regular showers; plus I do work hard offline (some active English teaching and collecting bottles currently) and online... so all these activities are keeping me lean, muscular, healthy, etc. I am sure that after a year or two, if I keep this (I hope), I may climb up to 6/10 and 7/10 or at least a 6.5/10 person.
 I am realistic and I know it's impossible to become a 9/10 or 10/10 because I'm not that tall for example (I am taller even than some German males -- the Germans are one of the tallest nations in the world -- but I am still not a "Chad tall" person) but if I am lucky enough to have the conditions in future to continue all my hard working activities, I do have realistic chances to become a near Chadlite man (which is around 6/10 to 6.5/10).
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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If he lives in a shitty country like America where gunshoots are ffffffffffffffffffff frequent then no matter how much he has ascended, he will die early sooner or later, however I wish --- Desi were living there to get •••••••• because of her suspectceldom!
« Last Edit: July 12, 2024, 07:23:06 PM by Non-SEO »


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Another psychotic post wishing and willing death of Desi were edited.

Don't hesitate to report the criminal psycho.

I will not write about SEO, but about love, food, UFO, sport, psychology, paranormal and everything else I like.


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