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Author Topic: LifeFuel: Don't kill yourself because you're getting older! READ THIS!  (Read 466 times)

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NEVER kill yourself because you're getting older!

People who know the incels' communities may notice that some incels are too depressed and they often talk about suicides, "rope", etc. Here we're a normal incels' forum, for the incels who're normal and not indoctrinated (radicalized). So, obviously, we should prevent the suicidal thinking and tendencies, i. e. for us the natural thing is the so-called "life fuel" (aka "LifeFuel", "Lifefuel").

Here comes one of my positive and objective threads that I posted in other forums too.

Hi, brocels. Maybe you know I'm an oldcel who now looks better than when he was younger. (Except the f*cking hair.) It's a pity the selfies here are forbidden and I can't prove you.
But there is another example. This Asian guy is 50+ years old and managed to look like 20 something. So, if you're having sporty and healthy life you can look better when you're older: PHOTOS (https://www4.bing.com/images/search?q=50+years+old+singaporean&form=HDRSC2&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle) and an article about him: https://www.trueactivist.com/50-year-old-singapore-man-who-looks-20-wows-the-internet-shares-his-youthful-secrets/.

Here I'll add some comments/reactions from brocels in those other forums:

Eunuch said that 60 years old Chad smvmogs a 20 years old "subhuman" (he means "incel". It's bad that some incels call themselves and the other brocels "subhuman". I am against it so at once I told him that "True. I just don't use terms like "subhuman" because we're all equal.") About the rest I think he's right. For those who're new and don't know the terminology (jargon; slang) I'll explain that "smv" is "sexual market value" and mog (mogs) means someone or something to be better than another one or another thing. Of course the age is a factor but if you keep your real (biological) age low you'll be okay. And, all over, Pretty elder > ugly younger (Handsome elder > ugly younger), according to many actual choices of the human beings.

wei#3959 said that it's just cosmetics though and that all of our balls are gonna sag more and our bodies aren't gonna be the same in like 20, 30 years.

Here I am adding the same: it depends on how you manage your ageing. Some people age like wine, others like milk. It's another big topic which worth to be created and discussed here.

hateful insul posted this

I think it's wrong because 1/ the uglycels and the uglier people aren't subhuman. It's a bad nazi word. Avoid it. 2/ I'm not that handsome, I just healthmaxx and gymmaxx, studymaxx, etc. so I'm an improved incel who is giving you real copes and real hopes to ascend, brocels!

DrainGangEnthusiast said that some reddit post calls this guy (the young looking Singaporean man) out for being a "fake natty".

And I think that's not likely because he is popular and for sure people can meet him irl and to prove he's real. Also his body is perfect so even the face isn't that young in reality, he still looks perfect for a 50 or 50+ years old.

DrainGangEnthusiast also said that "I think if you want to look young when you are old its possible if you can afford, roids and surgery. But the lie that a natural healthy life can make you a Greek god at an old age is ruining for young people."

I think it's wrong to call me liar, you know? 1. Because I never said a person will look like a Greek god. 2. It's not ruining for young people if you make them to work hard and to keep healthy; then when they're old they'll really look better than their youngselves especially when now they're too fat, too skinny, too muscleless, too ill, etc. 3. Looking well (or at least "better than before") is possible without roids and surgeries.

More from me, I added this
Yep, the hair can be a real problem but some ppl like The Rock, Vin Diesel, Kurt Angle can still be nearly Gigachads even bald.

Then I'll post my pics (with hidden face; I hope it's not a problem here) and I'll ensure you that it's really possible to manage to look better when you're 50 compared with when you're 20, especially when when you was young was a tired, fat, only studying nerd...

OK, as I promised -- photos (not selfies, because I didn't took them by myself) and with edited face (in order to keep the rules). Just to prove that even around 50 years of life without roids and surgeries, just via healthy life (no drugs, no smoking, no hard alcohol, diet rich in vegetables and fruit) and sport, one can look better than when he was younger. (And, hey, I'm even trying to face Captain America! :incel: :D :D )

The Grinch quoted that about the 60 years old Chad. Probably he agrees with that. Good because really the ageing shouldn't stop us to keep trying to improve ourselves in the right ways and, hopefully, to ascend.

TheNEET said that the body doesn't matter much (besides just not being scrawny or fat), and that he wonders how he (the Singaporean man) keeps his face young looking (and supposed that since everyone focuses on his body, maybe he unapologetically just uses filters).

 But, still, I think with or without filters, he looks pretty good in reality and his body is enough to be a noncel (if not a volcel, for example). He just shows us that if you have the opportunity and use it working hard this thing is possible. I hope when I am exactly 50 years old to look at least 75% as he looks in his 50s. 8) :D

 Izayacel said it's because of the good genes ("God genes , Strike yet again".) but I think that the genes are only the base. With only genes you can't be that good-looking! Even some of the genetic disorders are preventable with healthy life, sport and so on. Don't be a "genes determinist" or "genes fatalist".

 Something similar (race oriented, i. e. also related with some of the human genes) said BarrelStuffer: "Some Asians just age really well and don’t look old until their 60s." and "Also sunscreen, tretinoin, and surgery".

 I think that it's not so Asian thing. I saw people who manage to age well from all the races. And I don't like surgeries, so I promote only softmaxxing like diets, sports, study (meditations), etc.

 persianoldcel said "I like your motivation for life and it's true some men look better when they get aged." and "Looking good bro."

 Really good comment and wise. This is how the good incels should behave.

 I answered jokingly but seriously that
Thanks! :) In fact I am also surprised from my results. Next level = want to become a Chad. :D
(Of course exactly "Chad" is impossible, but maybe a Brad or a Chadlite? At least a high-tier Norman, oh, I hope so, so much!)

depressedblackcel also had a gene fatalism comment "Incels already have shit genes so this thread is cope honestly".

I hope I am a proof that even with not that great genes the good results are achievable via hard work and healthy choices.

ldargoblin said that he or me, I am not sure,  look 35-40 years old. Anyway, that's it. I even think that can pass for a 28-30 years old. Anyway, the details aren't important.

Yes. What is the next? Of course more lifefuel from me! 8) 8) 8) But now is time for going out to gymmaxx, to take some fresh air, to have a healthy walk too... to healthmaxx with some eggs and some vegetables and fruit. So, see you in the next post!  :)
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!

Good incel

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I don't understand some of the contradictory brocels. They hate femoids and at the same time they want to rope because can't have some femoid. What strange brocels...
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: LifeFuel: Don't kill yourself because you're getting older! READ THIS!
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2024, 01:56:19 AM »
Of course. Sometimes the age is really "just a number". :->


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Yeah of course our coping master glorious queen Desi tells you how to ffffffffffffffffffff cope to be not suicidal.

You know what? If someone says about his muh wealth muh height muh women he must be lying! Yeah my ffffffffffffffffffff God maybe only God know what bad things have ever become of this fatty ass.


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 1. Here we have no fat people, except you, dear chubbycel! The last photo you showed me was clearly showing that you gain back face fat. And this is because you didn't follow my exact diet plans and exercises plans! (You also said it to me clearly and even asked me if I will be okay of you don't keep my exact coaching.)

 2. Nobody proved there is God. But if there is, let Him judge you and send you to hell where you are heading anyway with all your rude, criminal, aggressive behavior!
 3. Don't come back here again! Don't bother the honest hard-working people, don't waste your own time!

 4. In case you bother us in your disgusting manners again, everyone may feel free to report you!
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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