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Author Topic: Since Buddhism is not a scientific Dharma of 'happymaxxing', what else are?  (Read 1031 times)

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Thank MSL for having enlighted me on the unscientificness of Buddhism in leading a person to happiness ;D. I really appreciate his efforts!
But since Buddhism is not a scientific Dharma of 'happymaxxing', what else are? Psychology?


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Wow~~, a new nickname surprise! Stoicism! 8) 8) 8) No joking, I really never saw one to change his nicknames so often (and in such an original way! Cheers! 8) Karma + for you!  8))
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Unironically, the upvotes and the downvotes here are having the name "karma".  ;D

Sorry for this and that off-topic!

Happiness based on science is a very good goal! 8) But I think, it is also very subjective and it varies (meaning: varies from person to person) because see, I'll give a Buddhist (Lamaism related) example: I know several guys (males predominantly, but also some females) who do admire Tibet (ака Xizang; 西藏) and they're Buddhist oriented in Lamaism. To the moving and living in Lhasa (the capital city of the Tibetan AR) is a dream and ultimate happiness. Now compare these guys with someone who feels that the happiness is in reading books and drinking cocktails on a Hawaiian beach (Hawaii is a warm islands' state in USA). I'd admit I am closer to the second type. :D For us /beach boys 8) /, living in the cold, beachless (without beaches) and limited (freedom wise; compared with the ) place like  Tibet it is... how to say? It's "a symbol of sadness"  ;D and Hawaii may be our "symbol of happiness".

So, what's in common? You want to live in Tibet and you're happy < > You want to live in Hawaai and you're happy.

Yep! Right! You need money!

Money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ = happiness.

How do you think about it?
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As I said it (already) in the psychology's I can't add more. You are moneymaxxed — you're happymaxxed.


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 Appreciations! This is the way I like -- someone to take into consideration (i. e. thinking carefully about a particular fact when deciding or judging something) when we debate it.
 Thank you very much for your mature attitude and for understanding that I was debating without bad intentions.
  And straight to the topic (my style; trying not to waste time):

 1) There are (in Buddhism, and in other religions) things that are right, useful, good. If we're true scientists we shouldn't ignore the things that are right (religious or non-religious). This is what I learned before from an Armenian (Soviet) philosopher (1926-2015) who reminded the old rule that from everything you can take the reasonable and the right thing, don't ignore it in 100%.
 For example,

 1.1. "Things derive their being and nature by mutual dependence and are nothing in themselves." (This is 100% scientific and philosophical because it's stating the universal relationship of the things, simply like "If there is no Earth, we'll be not able to exist." or "If you kill all of the flora and fauna, you're a dead man.") /Nagarjuna/

 1.2. "Although you may spend your life killing, you will not exhaust all your foes. But if you quell your own anger, your real enemy will be slain." (Also, nearly science related, because it's a simple, but true psychological and/or mathematical conclusion that if you're negative, the chance to get more enemies is higher than if you're positive and keep low profile.) /Nagarjuna/

 1.3. "Everything in moderation, including moderation." (Very dialectical, exact and wise!) /Buddha/

 1.4. "One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world." (Almost the same as the Butterfly effect! (蝴蝶效应, in Chinese, you should know it.))

 2) There are obviously wrong (or semi-wrong at best) Buddhist statements like these:

 2.1. "Since all is empty, all is possible." (First, he didn't prove the emptiness. Second, he didn't realize the nature of the possibility -- there are 3 kinds of it: formal possibility /i. e., only thinkable, but nearly 100% impossible, /, abstract possibility, i. e. somewhat possible and real possibility, i. e. the one that is very easy to become a reality (like Xi Jinping dies soon and China has a better leader like Hu Jintao, at least!))  /Nagarjuna/

 2.2. "Pain is certain; suffering is optional." (Which is true only when it comes to mild problems like "My relatives don't want to give me the property." /our present COMMON problem, my friend, which makes me feel you even closer!/... Well, LET US say that we may ignore that I am losing my thousands of EUROs apartment in Bulgaria and you're not getting your millions of RMB in China... we can just "ignore those lacking off empathy and greedy relatives"... but WHAT IF we really suffer from some physical pain like kidney stones? There is almost no way to say "I feel my kidney like hell, but, hey, no worries! Ii is optional!"... Most of the tough people who are tortured, sooner or later, give up. The physical pain isn't a joke. This is one of the reason why the bad dictators, bullies, etc. do win. They just cause a severe pain, physical, semi-physical or mental, but a pain... )
 See, I know that there are SOME monks (and even ordinary, non-religious people) who can feel no pain or ignore the pain, or stand the pain (to the level when they do some scary protest like "I burn myself!!!"...), but it's all about the outliers (异数, in Chinese, right?).

 And, at the end, the answer:

 3) Well, the felicitology (the "science" or philosophy of happiness) is something that (as I learned during my university's years) something impossible, unrealistic because of "happiness" is too subjective. The happiness for a girl who can't walk is to be able to run on the green grass; the happiness for an incel is just to have a loving Betty or Stacy; the happiness for you is to live happily in Shanghai, but for me is to live happily in Hainan (if the neo-emperor somehow 下台 /steps down/ or just die as soon as possible) because I love China and I love the Tropical places...

 So, let's take into account your concrete subjective situation:

 3.1. You want to be in Shanghai + to have a Shanghai girl... Oh, there is nothing in science that can help you to achieve the happiness (this goal) except the ultra-maxx (yes, I know it sounds silly from the perspective of the colleagues, noncels and the common science, but what I do is to use the incels' jargon). Ultra-maxx, in this case includes:

- money-maxx (and/or property-maxx, car-maxx, status-maxx, etc.) because you can't very easy satisfy a Chinese woman and especially a Chinese woman from Shanghai. Yes, there were some native ones, who claimed that the native Shanghai females weren't so greedy and all the greed came from the new-comers, from the surrounding villages, other places of China, etc. but still, ,if you are house-less, car-less, status-less in Shanghai... "good luck" with a local marriage!

3.2. If  you lower your goals (something like me -- just trying to be happy in the poorer SEA-countries), then you even don't need any science!
 Here, you're enough:

- white
- tall
- good nose-d
- rich (extremely rich!!!)
- you can have instantly a good house, a Toyota (already high-status or around) and a lot of decent girls to like you (not only gold-diggers).

 3.3. If we're not talking about you but about the average person, well, then the science that helps your happiness is almost everything: yes, you have to know your brain and psychology, but also you have to be good at geography (for example, to choose a place without earthquakes, typhoons, volcanoes, etc.), to be good at learning languages (the sooner you learn the foreign language the better!), to be good at elementary math (at least count well the money and the prices, because some locals think "Foreigner = rich" and/or "Foreigner = must pay more!"), etc.
 So, practically, almost all branches of the science may help you to improve your happiness. Last example, knowing hygiene, can save you from getting some easy to avoid (but terrible) disease like echinococcosis (Chinese name: 胞蟲症)...
« Last Edit: January 28, 2024, 12:25:05 AM by MSL »
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Appreciations! This is the way I like -- someone to take into consideration (i. e. thinking carefully about a particular fact when deciding or judging something) when we debate it.
 Thank you very much for your mature attitude and for understanding that I was debating without bad intentions.
  And straight to the topic (my style; trying not to waste time):

 1) There are (in Buddhism, and in other religions) things that are right, useful, good. If we're true scientists we shouldn't ignore the things that are right (religious or non-religious). This is what I learned before from an Armenian (Soviet) philosopher (1926-2015) who reminded the old rule that from everything you can take the reasonable and the right thing, don't ignore it in 100%.
 For example,

 1.1. "Things derive their being and nature by mutual dependence and are nothing in themselves." (This is 100% scientific and philosophical because it's stating the universal relationship of the things, simply like "If there is no Earth, we'll be not able to exist." or "If you kill all of the flora and fauna, you're a dead man.") /Nagarjuna/

 1.2. "Although you may spend your life killing, you will not exhaust all your foes. But if you quell your own anger, your real enemy will be slain." (Also, nearly science related, because it's a simple, but true psychological and/or mathematical conclusion that if you're negative, the chance to get more enemies is higher than if you're positive and keep low profile.) /Nagarjuna/

 1.3. "Everything in moderation, including moderation." (Very dialectical, exact and wise!) /Buddha/

 1.4. "One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world." (Almost the same as the Butterfly effect! (蝴蝶效应, in Chinese, you should know it.))

Yeah I think so. One of the most useful things I learned from Buddhism is that wisdom can generate lifelong happiness and the more wisdom you have, the more such happiness you have...


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 I just posted it too early, now I am editing my post, please, read again after some hours. (Too much stress because of my money problems with the Cambodian cheater and my Bulgarian father and sometimes "losing control".  :) )
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I just posted it too early, now I am editing my post, please, read again after some hours. (Too much stress because of my money problems with the Cambodian cheater and my Bulgarian father and sometimes "losing control".  :) )
Of course, I never said everything of Buddhism was correct. What I was aruging with you is whether Buddhism is pessimistic or optimistic and why Buddhism could 'liberate' you. And I was elucidating why those things made sense to me. Buddhism itself also tells not to 'put it on pedestral' so that you should think of as everything it says as right.

But shouldn't we get back to the story? ;D What else are the 'scientific dharmas of happiness'


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 Ready! Added more important parts. Please, re-read it again and I'll continue tomorrow.  8) :D /It's a bit sad when a philosopher and a scientist have to deal with daily routines like this ones here: to figure out how to find a good place to sell out shelves, to cook dinner, to kill some mosquitoes..., instead to spend all his energy to produce useful knowledge like that above... But this is it... The poor philosophers had to do it. Remember Spinoza? "Spinoza /巴鲁赫·斯宾诺莎/ earned a modest living from lens-grinding and instrument making..." + "Spinoza's health began to fail in 1676, dying in The Hague on 21 February 1677 at the age of 44... Although he had been ill with some form of lung affliction..., perhaps complicated by silicosis brought on by grinding glass lenses..." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baruch_Spinoza)/ 
 People tend to think that many of the good philosopher, writers, etc. are/were rich and lived a happy life just because they were clever and helped others... but if you read most of their biographies you will find out that they were not rich and even had miserable lives... I am something like this currently (but at least, at last, a way better than my recent years in Xi's China, where I had even no right to teach English, Russian, Korean, Bulgarian, Tatar legally...)
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I just posted it too early, now I am editing my post, please, read again after some hours. (Too much stress because of my money problems with the Cambodian cheater and my Bulgarian father and sometimes "losing control".  :) )
Of course, I never said everything of Buddhism was correct. What I was aruging with you is whether Buddhism is pessimistic or optimistic and why Buddhism could 'liberate' you. And I was elucidating why those things made sense to me. Buddhism itself also tells not to 'put it on pedestral' so that you should think of as everything it says as right.

But shouldn't we get back to the story? ;D What else are the 'scientific dharmas of happiness'

 Did you read my edited (added) answer above? If so, ignore the rest. It's only for the summary:

 - Psychology (and anthropology): to know what you really are and what are your real needs, nature, etc. from a scientific point of view, for example, to know that you're a mammal not a reptile and to know that you're a product of the natural evolution, not a God/god's creation.

 - Everything else based on scientific method/methods (mathematics, dietology, economics, sociology, geography, etc.) to help you being in good shape and health (very basic things for the happiness, because "Health isn't everything but without health everything is nothing."), to help you avoid cheaters, to help you know where the society and the nature are safer, etc.
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As I said it (already) in the psychology's I can't add more. You are moneymaxxed — you're happymaxxed.

Don't forget the moneyless way which may comfort him at its maxx! He hates gyms, fights, struggles and so on, so? So? So... well, as I said: gaymaxxing in some monks community may be the cheapest, moneyless way of achieving his happiness. Why not? Why yes? Up to you.


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Appreciations! This is the way I like -- someone to take into consideration (i. e. thinking carefully about a particular fact when deciding or judging something) when we debate it.
 Thank you very much for your mature attitude and for understanding that I was debating without bad intentions.
  And straight to the topic (my style; trying not to waste time):

 1) There are (in Buddhism, and in other religions) things that are right, useful, good. If we're true scientists we shouldn't ignore the things that are right (religious or non-religious). This is what I learned before from an Armenian (Soviet) philosopher (1926-2015) who reminded the old rule that from everything you can take the reasonable and the right thing, don't ignore it in 100%.
 For example,

 1.1. "Things derive their being and nature by mutual dependence and are nothing in themselves." (This is 100% scientific and philosophical because it's stating the universal relationship of the things, simply like "If there is no Earth, we'll be not able to exist." or "If you kill all of the flora and fauna, you're a dead man.") /Nagarjuna/

 1.2. "Although you may spend your life killing, you will not exhaust all your foes. But if you quell your own anger, your real enemy will be slain." (Also, nearly science related, because it's a simple, but true psychological and/or mathematical conclusion that if you're negative, the chance to get more enemies is higher than if you're positive and keep low profile.) /Nagarjuna/

 1.3. "Everything in moderation, including moderation." (Very dialectical, exact and wise!) /Buddha/

 1.4. "One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world." (Almost the same as the Butterfly effect! (蝴蝶效应, in Chinese, you should know it.))

 2) There are obviously wrong (or semi-wrong at best) Buddhist statements like these:

 2.1. "Since all is empty, all is possible." (First, he didn't prove the emptiness. Second, he didn't realize the nature of the possibility -- there are 3 kinds of it: formal possibility /i. e., only thinkable, but nearly 100% impossible, /, abstract possibility, i. e. somewhat possible and real possibility, i. e. the one that is very easy to become a reality (like Xi Jinping dies soon and China has a better leader like Hu Jintao, at least!))  /Nagarjuna/

 2.2. "Pain is certain; suffering is optional." (Which is true only when it comes to mild problems like "My relatives don't want to give me the property." /our present COMMON problem, my friend, which makes me feel you even closer!/... Well, LET US say that we may ignore that I am losing my thousands of EUROs apartment in Bulgaria and you're not getting your millions of RMB in China... we can just "ignore those lacking off empathy and greedy relatives"... but WHAT IF we really suffer from some physical pain like kidney stones? There is almost no way to say "I feel my kidney like hell, but, hey, no worries! Ii is optional!"... Most of the tough people who are tortured, sooner or later, give up. The physical pain isn't a joke. This is one of the reason why the bad dictators, bullies, etc. do win. They just cause a severe pain, physical, semi-physical or mental, but a pain... )
 See, I know that there are SOME monks (and even ordinary, non-religious people) who can feel no pain or ignore the pain, or stand the pain (to the level when they do some scary protest like "I burn myself!!!"...), but it's all about the outliers (异数, in Chinese, right?).

 And, at the end, the answer:

 3) Well, the felicitology (the "science" or philosophy of happiness) is something that (as I learned during my university's years) something impossible, unrealistic because of "happiness" is too subjective. The happiness for a girl who can't walk is to be able to run on the green grass; the happiness for an incel is just to have a loving Betty or Stacy; the happiness for you is to live happily in Shanghai, but for me is to live happily in Hainan (if the neo-emperor somehow 下台 /steps down/ or just die as soon as possible) because I love China and I love the Tropical places...

 So, let's take into account your concrete subjective situation:

 3.1. You want to be in Shanghai + to have a Shanghai girl... Oh, there is nothing in science that can help you to achieve the happiness (this goal) except the ultra-maxx (yes, I know it sounds silly from the perspective of the colleagues, noncels and the common science, but what I do is to use the incels' jargon). Ultra-maxx, in this case includes:

- money-maxx (and/or property-maxx, car-maxx, status-maxx, etc.) because you can't very easy satisfy a Chinese woman and especially a Chinese woman from Shanghai. Yes, there were some native ones, who claimed that the native Shanghai females weren't so greedy and all the greed came from the new-comers, from the surrounding villages, other places of China, etc. but still, ,if you are house-less, car-less, status-less in Shanghai... "good luck" with a local marriage!

3.2. If  you lower your goals (something like me -- just trying to be happy in the poorer SEA-countries), then you even don't need any science!
 Here, you're enough:

- white
- tall
- good nose-d
- rich (extremely rich!!!)
- you can have instantly a good house, a Toyota (already high-status or around) and a lot of decent girls to like you (not only gold-diggers).

 3.3. If we're not talking about you but about the average person, well, then the science that helps your happiness is almost everything: yes, you have to know your brain and psychology, but also you have to be good at geography (for example, to choose a place without earthquakes, typhoons, volcanoes, etc.), to be good at learning languages (the sooner you learn the foreign language the better!), to be good at elementary math (at least count well the money and the prices, because some locals think "Foreigner = rich" and/or "Foreigner = must pay more!"), etc.
 So, practically, almost all branches of the science may help you to improve your happiness. Last example, knowing hygiene, can save you from getting some easy to avoid (but terrible) disease like echinococcosis (Chinese name: 胞蟲症)...

This (whole already) answer explains it all 8) 8) 8)... Can't say it better.


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Yay! The new nickname (Amitabha) is also something. It's Buddhist too, very Buddhist by the way because it's a popular one. It means "Infinite light".


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The answer was good. 8)
PR or PageRank (sometimes: "Page Rank").


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Re: Since Buddhism is not a scientific Dharma of 'happymaxxing', what else are?
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2024, 09:44:54 PM »
 Hello, there friends! It's a bit off-topic but philosophy related: "Aristletoe"? (I mean the new nickname of my friend.) May be it was meant to be "Aristotle"? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotle). In English the name of the ancient Greek philosopher Αριστοτέλης is "Aristotle" (and in Chinese it's "亚里士多德").
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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