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Author Topic: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?  (Read 2131 times)

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Zhang Jie

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Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« on: April 22, 2023, 09:43:45 AM »
I am a deep researcher into height whereby I have learned some basic statistic knowledges, and I found out 99% of people did not know how to measure their heights accurately.
The accurate way is to face towards a wall, then cap a hard object like box, triangle, etc. on your head against the wall and then draw a line below the object, finally use a tape to measure the height as your height, or you can use an anthropometric meter to measure your height.
My results were 162cm at night by both of the ways, but sometimes my height would go down to 161.5cm idk why, but after resting for a while, my height will go back to 162cm. So, I'd say my height is 100% legit solid 162-163cm. I can see many girls who are shorter than me even in Shanghai everytime I take a stroll outside(but yeah, many girls are also significantly taller than me lol. There are many hot tall girls at the level of female model here), but on China's Internet, even 162-163cm is very short for a girl and I've known of another deep researcher like me whose height was 2cm lower than the height he measured by comparing his height to the one of the upper side of windowsill, so these can shed a light on the fact that 99% of people really do not know how to measure height and do not know about height, as well as the dishonesty.
These also explain to a great degree why people always think the height data are deflated, because of Retinal Effect, as well as their ignorances of height measurement as well as the knowledges about height, and of course they do not know about Statistics either.
I'd say, 178cm measured by this way is lowkey tall or even just tall in China, average in Europe and giant in Southeast Asia. If your height is 180+cm measured by this way but you are still thinking you are short, either be you living in Germany/the Netherlands or you are suffering from severe Cognitive Dissonance(a term misused in the incel forums). Girls will also tend to think you as 180+cm and by wearing an insole, your height will even be perceived as 183-185cm or so. Girls tend to inflate man's height.


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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2023, 04:21:17 PM »
Please, tell about that "retinal effect". Or adjust the term if it's an error. I can't find anything about it. I'll post more later.
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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2023, 05:39:55 PM »
 The way you use is accurate. Other ways are to use some roulette tape measure or to find some good wallpaper like that
 It's normal in the morning everyone to be taller than at night (around 1% taller) because of the gravity (all night long, when you sleep you're in horizontal position).
 Many of the incels forums are represented by teenagers (some of them from countries where the average people don't know how many angles are there in a triangle, where is Iran (or where is Cuba; where is North Korea), who was Jefferson Davis (or who is their vice president right now)), there are only some people who really know some science and almost no one understands the incelology. They misuse terms, for them many scientific facts are "bluepill", only the "cherry picked" statistics and studies who do support their laziness and pessimism (the blackpill "It's over!" + "It never began!") are highly valued there and if one wants to spend there his time, he should be very patient, very objective and very well informed, otherwise they'll brainwashed him that "it's over, never begins, there is only the blackpillism and "cope or rope"." Sometimes there are valuable ideas, experiences and it worth to read it from time to time, but as I said, only if you're well prepared (knowledge, stable EQ, not easy to get brain-washed by all the blackpilled bigots, who never will accept the meta-pill objectivism and patient). For example, the observation that the females (but not all of them, this is an important point that they're missing, that there are different types of females) who want a tall man don't look just for a "taller than me" man but for a "taller than most of the other males". You see? This explains why sometimes even when you're taller than a girl, she may think you're not tall enough (for her).
 Read my favorite money-related (capital-related) analogy: I am not that rich but at least I own an apartment which costs around RMB 350 000 (USD 50 750). Some Chinese females own nothing. They rent a flat, sometimes shared with another one or two girls or they live in some dormitory (like 3-4 or more in a room)! And still some of them will think of me as a poor man because I am carless (no car), I am not a business owner (still no own company), etc. They are as poor as church mouse but still will think that I am the poor one (not rich enough for them). Well, my friend, the same is the situation with your height. You're not a shortcel (in China) and you're even taller than 30% (approximately) of the Chinese females but still, there are short ones who'll think "No, he's short. I need a 1.88 m somebody." ;D
 So, concretely about your ready-to-be-a-shortcel problem: because after the height wise geo-minn (moving to the West for edu-maxx) you'll be perceived as a shortie or shortcel there (at least in the eyes of 80% of the Westerners and some of the Asians, for example all those tall Koreans, Northern Chinese like 东北人, some Mongols.) you have to compensate it in a wise way, even if you choose to be a volcel for the time being. Why? At least for your own self-esteem and being healthier: health-maxx, including gym-maxx, martial arts-maxx (at least some non-contact like Taichi 太极拳) will improve your vision and at least the people will not see you as a manlet. See this man -- exactly 1.64 m, a US latino sportsman, who looks pretty good after all this gym-maxx (sport-maxx): .
 And when you add up some more personality related maxx-es like art-maxx, edu-maxx, money-maxx, there will be some woman for you, I bet up to 98%.
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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2023, 05:56:30 PM »
Yes, see. For example most of the females around me imagine that their ideal partner should be like "my eyes meet his shoulder" or "my eyes meet his chin". Then if there is someome who's just 3 cm taller he just didn't meet the standard (can't pass the treshold). If there is a person like that, to make the woman he likes to like him back he should have something else to attract her to the level when she's saying "I can make a compromise about his shortness because..." For example, she has 3 children and you're the only man who will take care for her and her children. Well, in this case your height passes without problem. :) Or you're very handsome. This will make many or most of the women to 'forgive you' being short. ;D Or you're filthy rich! Oh, yeah! I love it!!! :-* The muscles may work on some females too. Don't miss your chance with the gymmaxxing too.

In short, you have to do a lot good job and do it soon because when you are getting older the chances are decreasing to some degrees.


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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2023, 06:41:26 PM »
I'll tell you a real story from my current neighbourhood. There is a small shop. It survived the crazy lockdowns and the ruined economy as a result. One of the reason was that it didn't keep strictly the lockdown measures (being in a remote area with less control) but it's not the point. The point is his smallness. :) It is one of the "shortcels" around. ;D ;D ;D Can't compare it with the supermarkets around. Even the smallest supermarket is a "Chadlite" compared to this shortie. ;D ;D ;D And now, check this out:

the owner added photocopier services, steamed bread (man tou), fresh coconuts, coffee, some spirit and other "maxxes". 8) Now it's already a sort of competitor to some of the small supermarkets because it's not a supermarket itself but it's more than a small supermarket (it hasn't all supermarkets' goods but it has goods and services that you can't find in the supermarkets, so still it's already almost at their level). You see? When you add more to something (to your shop or to your body, to yourself), then you're having all these more chances to ascend.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2023, 06:56:48 PM »
I don't. I only see who and how many are taller or shorter than myself and it's enough. I don't care about the inches at all.
An ethnicel...


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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2023, 11:41:07 PM »
I think Zhang is right.

Zhang Jie

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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2023, 04:32:05 AM »
Please, tell about that "retinal effect". Or adjust the term if it's an error. I can't find anything about it. I'll post more later.
A psychological termology that stands for a situation from which you are suffering that you overestimate the frequency of one specific thing, like being 180+ cm tall. To elucidate it in the most vivid way, imagine you are walking on a street and come across ten men, two of which are 180+ cm tall, and the others are below 180+ cm tall, but due to Retinal Effect, you will be like 'Wtf nowadays young men are so tall! They are all 180+ cm tall! I am only 175cm and I am a midget in China!', and this shit also applies to other things including richness, not exclusive to height. My lexicon is lilliputian so my eludication is awful. Take it or leave it.

Zhang Jie

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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2023, 04:34:31 AM »
Yes, see. For example most of the females around me imagine that their ideal partner should be like "my eyes meet his shoulder" or "my eyes meet his chin". Then if there is someome who's just 3 cm taller he just didn't meet the standard (can't pass the treshold). If there is a person like that, to make the woman he likes to like him back he should have something else to attract her to the level when she's saying "I can make a compromise about his shortness because..." For example, she has 3 children and you're the only man who will take care for her and her children. Well, in this case your height passes without problem. :) Or you're very handsome. This will make many or most of the women to 'forgive you' being short. ;D Or you're filthy rich! Oh, yeah! I love it!!! :-* The muscles may work on some females too. Don't miss your chance with the gymmaxxing too.

In short, you have to do a lot good job and do it soon because when you are getting older the chances are decreasing to some degrees.
Indeed but like I said I did not give rat's ass to girls, but being short is also devastating to self-image, which is very important to lead a normal life, and, nah, bromaxxing helps but not much if you are too short.


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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2023, 05:19:12 AM »
Yes, see. For example most of the females around me imagine that their ideal partner should be like "my eyes meet his shoulder" or "my eyes meet his chin". Then if there is someome who's just 3 cm taller he just didn't meet the standard (can't pass the treshold). If there is a person like that, to make the woman he likes to like him back he should have something else to attract her to the level when she's saying "I can make a compromise about his shortness because..." For example, she has 3 children and you're the only man who will take care for her and her children. Well, in this case your height passes without problem. :) Or you're very handsome. This will make many or most of the women to 'forgive you' being short. ;D Or you're filthy rich! Oh, yeah! I love it!!! :-* The muscles may work on some females too. Don't miss your chance with the gymmaxxing too.

In short, you have to do a lot good job and do it soon because when you are getting older the chances are decreasing to some degrees.
Indeed but like I said I did not give rat's ass to girls, but being short is also devastating to self-image, which is very important to lead a normal life, and, nah, bromaxxing helps but not much if you are too short.

 It was about the gymmaxx (to enlarge your muscle mass and to look stronger and more masculine), not about the bromaxx (which is you know, getting the loyalty, admiration and companionship from your male friends). But if it's a typo, it's another question. I hope you're not one of those who think that "short = over" and will even not try to become from a short tiny man a short strong and sexy man. You see, when you're short you just have no right to miss the chances that provides the gyms, the high income carriers, the popularization. You should try all because make a conclusion like "I am short = nothing helps too much."


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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2023, 05:23:47 AM »
Ah yes, I meant gymmaxx (but bromaxx is another good idea too, add it. 8) ) You see, if you're short, at least be "short but strong" and "short but rich". What are you doing if just remain "short"?  ::)


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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2023, 05:37:28 AM »
 Or, just put it in this way: The nature was already cruel to you not letting you be taller, now don't you be cruel to yourself not letting yourself build an attractive body. You see: short < short and muscular < short and muscular and rich < short and muscular and rich and educated. Every new positive trait is adding up (maxxing you up) so you better don't miss, don't avoid. You're telling us something blackpilled or semi-blackpilled that the gymmaxxing isn't very useful when you're short. It's the opposite. If you're already a Chad, with or without gymmaxx, you're okay. But when you're a potential shortcel, you need to add as more as you can of all the softmaxxes (gym, art, knowledge, fashion...). In this way, you're going to have more chances because there are different women. Maybe a bigger part (60%) will reject you anyway, but there will be 5% who will like you just because of your muscles, there are 10% more who'll like you because of your money and stable good job, maybe there are other 10% who'll accept you if you're good at some art or something special Asian like Chinese food, kung fu, caligraphy (there are those Asian fans too) and sure there will be at least 15% who'll be impressed if you're the best version of yourself: picture yourself after 5 years like -- shredded body with 6 packs, working in the best state's university, speaking fluent English, good at cooking Chinese food, playing an instument or writing poems, having a good car and house, etc. Well, I bet at least 30% will start thinking seriously about you as a dating material or more. 8)
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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2023, 02:35:33 AM »
Please, tell about that "retinal effect". Or adjust the term if it's an error. I can't find anything about it. I'll post more later.
A psychological termology that stands for a situation from which you are suffering that you overestimate the frequency of one specific thing, like being 180+ cm tall. To elucidate it in the most vivid way, imagine you are walking on a street and come across ten men, two of which are 180+ cm tall, and the others are below 180+ cm tall, but due to Retinal Effect, you will be like 'Wtf nowadays young men are so tall! They are all 180+ cm tall! I am only 175cm and I am a midget in China!', and this shit also applies to other things including richness, not exclusive to height. My lexicon is lilliputian so my eludication is awful. Take it or leave it.
That's a very interesting one. How to say it in Chinese? 视网膜效应吧?


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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2023, 02:36:20 AM »
Yes, I think so.
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Re: Reality Check: How do you measure your height?
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2023, 06:14:52 AM »
Please, tell about that "retinal effect". Or adjust the term if it's an error. I can't find anything about it. I'll post more later.
A psychological termology that stands for a situation from which you are suffering that you overestimate the frequency of one specific thing, like being 180+ cm tall. To elucidate it in the most vivid way, imagine you are walking on a street and come across ten men, two of which are 180+ cm tall, and the others are below 180+ cm tall, but due to Retinal Effect, you will be like 'Wtf nowadays young men are so tall! They are all 180+ cm tall! I am only 175cm and I am a midget in China!', and this shit also applies to other things including richness, not exclusive to height. My lexicon is lilliputian so my eludication is awful. Take it or leave it.

Liam, I learned more about it and I'll correct it a bit. It's in fact when you have something and starting to notice it more. Like a pregnant woman, who notices more and more pregnant women outside ("The pregnant woman effect" is the other name of the "Retinal effect"), I think this explanation is good and simple:

"This phenomenon is known as the "retinal effect" in psychology. When we own something or a feature, we are more likely to notice whether others have this feature like us than ordinary people." (这种现象就是心理学中所说的“视网膜效应”,当我们自己拥有一件东西或一项特征时,我们就会比平常人更会注意到别人是否跟我们一样具备这种特征。)Source: https://baike.baidu.com/item/孕妇效应/896606 So, according to this effect, if you're shorter and think of yourself as a short man (or even a shortcel) then you'll notice more the short men outside than the average person. This is so far what I understood about it.
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