1. "Wtf is wrong with this forum? I've just stopped updating because there is no need(which was even told by you guys...) and you misproject that I've stopped?"
We just thought you are absent too long. About the updates, yes sorry to hurt your fragile feelings but your last 3 photos were the same.
2. "Please stop misprojecting because it is really making me angry. "
I "supposed". It was a "guess". I said "may be". This is not misprojecting. For example, you can say "Maybe SEO is Korean?" and it's a guess, nothing to do with right projections and misorojections.
3. "I will instead quit this forum if this forum does not stop being 'pedantic' to me or misprojecting I've stopped I am willingless or else."
So? You suggest that you will post topics focused entirely about yourself
but people should not comment you? How?! Does it make sense? When you speak about politics or economics we comment politics and economics but when you speak about Zhang we comment Zhang.
4. "This forum is good in general, but tbh this forum is becoming worse and worse in my eyes because I've suffered too much misprojection pedanticness and 'gaslighting'(like, you must do xxx, or you are yyy. "
ROFL. 兄弟, you are asking people to tell you what to do and they are telling you! So, because they don't tell you what you want to hear it means they do "gaslight" you? (Yes, I know you hate the rest of the forums too. Maybe one day all of the forums will be "bad" to you.
5. "gaslighter does not care about my feeling or self-esteem,"

,the staff and the users are so frank and honest, trying to help you earlier to become healthier, to avoid risky surgeries and to be more optimistic but you interpret it like "gaslighter?" What an ungrateful attitude. Who are the good guys? All those cursing you racist blackpillers who call you "rice" and who think your mother is "noodlewhore", and who fill your young brain with ideas of cutting nose, cutting bones and other shit hard-maxx? Are they the good ones who really care about you? We accepted you as a son here and tried to help you with honesty and good ideas but the influence you already got... Sadly makes you misleaded.
6. "tell me are you gaining excitement from judging me as having bad memory, or projecting?"
Oh, you still can't forget that memory talks? So sensitive... 敏感的 Sorry, your memory is the best. Do you feel okay now? This is what you like? Fake praising? You already live Ina country that lies you everyday, at least let us to be honest. We like truths.
7. "Don't you know it's very impolite or even offensive"
No cursing, no bad names, no dangerous suggestions like in the black pulled forums. How more polite to be? I told you, we can't lie you, 有什么说什么。Truth makes you better than lies.
8. "Additionally everytime I changed my username there would be someone who exclaimed 'Oh good username! xxx!

我的妈呀! People notice his nickname and make him a good compliment, showing attention and he thinks it's another bad thing!!! Paranoid as hell! To stop people to watch your usernames? To stop them comment? Then what? You and your monologues?

9. " This ALWAYS brought me a sense of 'surveillance' tbh. "
切! You are living in the biggest despot country and nonstop post about the bad CCP or else and you don't care the REAL surveillance that any moment the police may come and arrest you. You feel so damn safe but here, a polite person noticed your change and do small talk about the compliment and cry, waaah, surveillance! 讨厌啊!
10. "If this forum still does not stop doing any of these things, then I will know I made a bad choice to join this forum. "
Do you know what? I can ban all of those who answer you. And I won't answer you too. And then what? Only you and your monologue? And then you will leave the forum the same. You don't value the freedom of speech! You are a product of the no freedom!