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Author Topic: Don't think that the bluepill is totally useless  (Read 1294 times)

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Don't think that the bluepill is totally useless
« on: July 19, 2022, 06:32:05 PM »

The Metapill is the best but here is why not to ignore the bluepill

by Geser Kurultaev (philosopher-anthropologist and incelologist)

  Recently there are speculations that the one and only right inceldom philosophy (theory) is the blackpill theory. Some incels' communities even tend to become a cult (a sect; a dogma) where anything else which is non-blackpillism is wrong, naive, "bluepilled" and so on.
 In fact there are many other theories, the reality is not only white and black (or only blackpill and bluepill). There are the redpill, the whitepill, the purplepill, etc.
 I'm not a defender of the bluepill and I wand to emphasize that I'm the founder of the metapill theory (What's the metapill theory and method). It is a realism oriented theory which, in combination with the philosophy of the atleastism, is the base of the book of mine How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization.
 The metapill uses the good, the right, the realistic points of the all of so-called "pills" (like the realism of the redpill, the blackpill scientific facts without their wrong pessimistic interpretations, the true points of the bluepill platitudes without its baseless optimism and so on) and here is what is good to be not neglected from the bluepill.

Yes, the bluepill is full of baseless optimism and boring platitudes but it doesn't make it totally wrong or totally useless

 If the blackpill is full of negative and too pessimistic interpretations of some true scientific facts, that bluepill is full of positive and too optimistic views of some simple truths. Still, these doesn't make it 100% useless or wrong. What is really wrong is to ignore it and to forget that it's the base without escaping the inceldom (a.k.a. ascending; to ascdend) is difficult or impossible.
 It's really sad that some of the most blackpilled (indoctrinated with the blackpillism dogmatic cult) incels are starting completely to avoid elementary bluepilled truths like "brush your teeth" and "take more showers" which makes worse their health and which totally minn-s their chances for ascending.


Some concrete examples about the useful bluepill's platitudes

 I like to be helpful for all incels around the world and that is why I do use the incels' slang or jargon words in my inceldom articles; that is why I give even elementary examples because I want to make sure that even those with the lowest IQs are getting the meaning and increasing their chances to ascend. And here are coming the concrete examples:
  • "Improve your personality, bro!" Only personality is useless but a bad personality (character), in the middle to long run will affect even the so-called Prettyboys, Brads and Chads. Moreover, if you're an incel, especially an uglycel you can't afford the luxury of being "ugly + bad" because it will completely minimize your chances for ascending. Read more about it in "A billionaire can afford to gamble $100 000, a poor man can't afford to gamble". = "A Chad can afford to have many flaws, an incel can't afford to have any flaws".
    . So, forget about fake maxx-es like "thugmaxx", "jailmaxx", "drugsmaxx", "alcoholmaxx" and other degenerating your real chances bad ideas.
    Remember that the bad personality (hostile, rude, etc.) makes even the most attractive, beautiful, handsome, charming people to become less and less popular, hated and having more and more enemies.
  • "Take more showers, bro!" The good hygiene helps your body to stay healthy. Most of the people prefer healthy partners. Also the showering improves your immune system which keeps you younger and healthier, makes your skin better and makes you feel a bit better too. That's why don't become one of those smelly and disgusting self-minimizing incels who even doesn't brush their teeth. Wash yourself, take more showers, brush your teeth because even a Chad or Gigachad is not going to have success if he's a dirty, smelly person who really stinks.
  • "Be confident, bro!" Only confidence can't guarantee you success. But without it, especially if you're not a very attractive Prettyboy or Chad, or something like that, you're not going to be noticed at all. You can afford to be too shy and not confident if you're one of those Chads, Prettyboys and others that just stay and the females are coming to chat with them or to ask them for autographs by themselves. But, as an incel, you're not. So you should include the confidencemaxx to your other good maxxing efforts (gymmaxx, studymaxx, moneymaxx, geomaxx, etc.)
  • "Find a good job and it'll be okay, champ!" Sure, only a job is not a decision but being jobless (unemployed) is a bad thing, especially if you're a poorcel. Even the Chads, in many countries and regions, when are jobless, without incomes, poor and beggars are not going to attract even a single female. So, you need at least a job if you can't make some good business online and/or offline.
  • "Hit the gym, bro!", "Just do cross training, bro!" are one of the best platitudes because they're more helpful than you think. Before believing some wrong sayings like "There is no gym for your face.", read that the gym and the face problem explained.
  • "Haircuts, bro!" Well, even the worst haircut is better than a messy oily hair. Or if you're balding just shave it to look a bit better and a bit younger. Don't leave your hair (head), beard, etc. without care.
  • "Smile, be positive!" Not everyone has a good smile so it's subjective, but still, everyone can try to be more positive. This improves his chances with some percent. it's helpful for his/her relationships and for his/her own feelings.
  • "Sense of humor, bro!" It's a thing that works well (of course with the combination with some more maxxes), that's why even some of the most blackpilled incels do know that there is something like "jestermaxx".
  • "Good listening skills, man!" This may sound like a joke for you, and surely, only this is not enough at all, but you have to keep in mind that it may increase you some points and to take you closer to the person you like. If you don't improve yourself and just rely on this, of course, you may become just an orbiter.
  • Intelligence (high-IQ). It's a proven undoubtful fact that it's better to be intelligent than stupid. The low-IQ animals have less chances to avoid problems. The same is valid for the people. An ugly and stupid person will end up worse than an ugly but intelligent person who may improve himself/herself and to avoid many troubles; to solve many problems in his/her life.
  • "Be kind, be polite." A much better choice for an incel than to be the opposite and to disgust more than usual. Remember the rule -- do your best and use all these to maxx yourself, not to minn yourself.

As a conclusion, I can say that implying all these bluepilled platitudes in your life (improving your personal hygiene, character, social position, income (capital), knowledge and so on) will surely maxx you and if you're like a 2/10 (in a decile scale), you may become a 3/10. After this, with more maxxes (gymmaxx, healthmaxx, geomaxx/locationmaxx, etc.) you may become a 5/10 or a 6/10, in some cases even up to 7/10 or 8/10 (depends on your genetics, hard work, background and luck, there are many factors when it comes to the ascending and the improving at all). For more, see the Maxx Law.
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Re: Don't think that the bluepill is totally useless
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2022, 07:22:43 PM »
College is a great source of knowledge, but professors often overdo it with tasks. They believe that every student must pay more attention to their subject, even though it is impossible. I cannot imagine how it is possible to cope with all the assignments without specialized services and keep sanity.

Spamlink removed, bro. Don't bother the good incels and the people who are here because of the inceldom with spam, bro.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2022, 04:11:44 AM by Incel »


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A collegecel?
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2022, 04:35:17 AM »
Bro, again a spamlink was removed.

I was happy (at first) when I saw you here because I thought you're one of the first incels here. Maybe a collegecel? Because I see you're mentioning college and even a word that many incels like and/or just use -- "cope".

Offtopic and spam -- not acceptable. Keep sanity! Well said. Try it because if you just spam here you'll get banned.

The topic here is about the useful sides of the bluepill (which is mostly not very useful and the best is the metapill)..
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Don't think that the bluepill is totally useless
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2022, 04:51:07 AM »
He's not an incel. He, she or it is a spammer. Take a look:

IP address       Display name
188..........   christopher0519, alandurham, dominiccooper, millicentgill, jamesthomas

Time for ban!
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Re: Don't think that the bluepill is totally useless
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2024, 08:49:09 PM »
Wasting time writing a works that does not get down to how to deal with ... Desi while she is actually the only ... problem remaining to be eradicated hmmmm....
Yeah of ... course bluepillism is not ... totally useless, but Desi is def ... completely useless :P
« Last Edit: July 08, 2024, 08:56:37 PM by Dimitroff »


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Re: Don't think that the bluepill is totally useless
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2024, 08:59:25 PM »
The insane person banned. Insults that harm people and jeopardize the forum's incime deleted.

Use this thread for fast reports when you notice the psychopathology ill man with newer account! http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/the-mentalcel-zhang-is-here-again!/
Разбирач, играч, предприемач. Какво повече от това? ;)


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