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Author Topic: Different Topics and Answers to a Foreigner in China who blocked me in 微信  (Read 2501 times)

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Hah that was funny! ;D

The brick incel is a blatant hater (and somehow sounds hurt that there are people more skillful and more successful than him) but he made some good points. We'll wait for the answers.  8)

While I'd agree with some of the points made above, I'd hate to admit that you're wrong.

Why am I here? To sort out paperwork with my partner so we can leave China...

I know that I joked above, but Geser really does look like Chris Chan... let's hope his story doesn't end the same way.


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Sorry for the late reply🙏 I use this thread to congratulate the colleagues with this new incels without hate for the normal incels and incelologistics board. 👍
Read the long weixin chat. I know it is all about the point of view but from my view the intellectual level difference is like teenager versus grandfather. Decades of difference. 🌍


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Sorry for the late reply🙏 I use this thread to congratulate the colleagues with this new incels without hate for the normal incels and incelologistics board. 👍
Read the long weixin chat. I know it is all about the point of view but from my view the intellectual level difference is like teenager versus grandfather. Decades of difference. 🌍

  It's not that subjective, in fact, because this things are pretty measurable. For example, you can count how many languages he speaks and how many I speak. You can count how many books, discoveries, articles, poems and other works I have and how many he has. You can compare his cultural level and levels of aggression with mine. You can also easily see the difference between my sports-build body and his average body. You can carefully read how many times I proved logically and factually my opinions and how many times he just avoids the topic and/or changes it; even incapable to-read-and-to-understand simple examples, explanations...
 I am not saying that he's totally under the average; you can count it as a bit above the average present Western man (seems he read some books but what he learned and understood from these books is another question!) But communicating with this level of IQ, ethics, culture and manners is really challenging and I am not sure if it's face to face for how long I can be able to control myself (but you all know here that I'm a very polite, patient and good person so he can't just throw lies like "He is borderline dangerous"!) You can't insult someone non-stop and to expect that this one will just listen you patiently with a smile; when the provocations are too many and too much everyone may become "borderline dangerous" (and still you saw that till the very end I tried my best to stay calm, logical, scientific and objective).
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 Answers to our recent (and mentally, psychologically, intellectually challenged obviously) member:

 1. "you are not based, redpilled or anything"

 Here, even a beginner who reads basic incelology will notice that this challenged guy isn't familiar with the terminology. How I can be "redpilled" once I'm the author of the Metapill theory (https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20117936.Geser_Kurultaev). And why should I be "redpilled" or anything if I'm an incelologist since 1999 who is based on philosophical anthropology, dialectical materialism and atleastism?
 First read and learn well, later try to write in an omnilogy forum full of science-oriented visitors and even scientist who'll just laugh at your imbecilism.

 2. "You are not an unrecognised genius"
 Compared with people like Elizabeth I'm just a humble philosopher with different interests who is writing this or that. But compared with obsessed semi-primitive trolling haters like you I'm a recognized genius. Trust me.
 3. "you're just insane."
 Said the guy with the blatant psychological and probably psychopathological issues? Who do you think you are? Dante Cicchetti?
 Believe me, I can tell better than many of you who is and who isn't insane because when I read the books of Nikola Shipkovensky, you still wasn't born.

 4. "Get help, you're detached from reality. "
And you think you are very attached, huh?
It's enough to see how people like you behave abroad -- the conclusion is that you really don't know what's wrong, right, safe, dangerous, etc. Usually the foreign jails are full with guys like you just because you are delusional and think that what you do in your chaotic Western countries is appropriate everywhere abroad. And this is your main problem. Think about it and maybe it will save you future troubles.

 5. "Literally no one cares about any of this dumb shit "
 And you decided to overcompensate it with your 24/7 attention, "care" and "well-mannered" communication with me? How noble!
 6. "not this crappy 2004 style website"
 I have a lot of websites. And I am just an amateur webmaster who still makes websites better than you, right? So instead of jealousy try to improve yourself; don't behave like the lowest-level incels who only hate the normal people and don't give a damn about their knowledge, skills, bodybuilding and wealth.
7. "not the ebooks"
Did you read at least one of the ebooks? You're LITERALLY anecdotical! Telling you why: during the Communist party rule back there in my country when we have got free healthcare, free education and very cheap goods/services there was a book which was anti-socialistic, hence it was criticized (a Pasternak's book). One of the party members who didn't read the book said "I didn't read it but I condemn it!" another one said "I didn't read it but I don't like it!"
 Some historians think these are anecdots because there are no records of such sayings. But here, now, YOU made it: You didn't read the ebooks but you already know that they're not good! What a high level of intelligence you got! Congratulations!

8. "You're literally approaching Chrischan levels of delusion."
 Don't know who is the person you mean, there are many "Chris Chan"s but when it comes to delusions you are the man!I am not saying that I am omniscient and I know that I was wrong a few times in my life, so at the present, I suppose, that there are some matters that are "hidden" (unknown) or "blurry" for my sight. But at least I don't do so many mistakes abroad as you the young and not fully educated Westerners do.
NB: Because I don't want again someone online (or offline) to say that I am skipping or avoiding answers, I promise tomorrow to find some time and to answer you about your one-and-only serious question about how difficult is nowadays for most of the foreigners to find jobs in China.
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To sort out paperwork with my partner so we can leave China...

I wish you good luck abroad with her (or him. Just adding the male gender here because I've got an impression you are interested in males' looks and some transgender people like Chris-chan. We welcome here the gaycels, gays and the other LGBT people. Feel comfortable here and share with us everything you want to. It will be interesting to know if you guys will have same-sex marriage in your developed country.) As you said China is a developing country. Here we haven't same-sex marriages. But in the developed countries there are same-sex marriages. And if it is your case, good luck!

But, listen. A piece of mind from me. It's not important if your partner is a she-partner or a he-partner, the important is that she or he is a Chinese person. Many of us (汉族,少数民族 or 外国人raised in China or lived here for a long time) develop romantic idealization of the West. As someone said, you can expect that your Chinese partner may get very disappointed when you guys arrive there. All those school gunshots, skinheads on the streets, drunken bikers, angry black men, thugs, soccer hooliganism, speedy drivers on drugs, unstable incels and other developed states' problems can make your Chinese partner to rethink her or his residing with you there. And on top of that your culture background surely will cause you problems too. You'll need a ton of good luck. So I am here to wish it to you~~ :-*


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Ever heard "noblesse oblige"?

Why if you all are so successful abroad there don't try to help him or just politely to shut up instead of being rude?

This thread should be seen by all those silly girls who think that boys from Western countries are all kind, polite angels or knights. You boys are the same trashy as the ignorant boys in the developed world with only difference that you have the money more than them.
Mieux vaut être seul que mal accompagné.


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Hah that was funny! ;D

The brick incel is a blatant hater (and somehow sounds hurt that there are people more skillful and more successful than him) but he made some good points. We'll wait for the answers.  8)

While I'd agree with some of the points made above, I'd hate to admit that you're wrong.

Why am I here? To sort out paperwork with my partner so we can leave China...

I know that I joked above, but Geser really does look like Chris Chan... let's hope his story doesn't end the same way.

  Let me answer this first, then I'll post my answer about why in China is so difficult for most of the foreigners to find a work visa job.
 1. How is it no hate when you non-stop call another person crazy and insulting him and his achievements on regular basis?
 2. I found which Chris you mean and tried to post a photograph which proves that he's an obese person, I'm    a sporty, lean and muscular person but I fail to upload it here and then I decided that it worthless to spend more time to upload in other places and link it here just to prove to some people with sociopathic behavior that I'm looking differently.
 3. Why are you thinking that my story can end with that end (
was arrested on a charge of incest
)??? Usually the "incest" definition is clear even for the teenagers. You, as a grown person, with a minimal IQ has to know it. But no, you're with the typical low-IQ incel behavior: you'll just say/post something  even when you have no idea what is its true definition!
 For the least educated people like this "Yellowbrick"/"J.": incest is sexual activity between family members or close relatives.
 As most of you maybe understood, this person again and again is trying to troll, insult, hurt emotionally and so on, not trying to help or, at least, to respect a bit people who're more clever and educated then him, in order to find more truths together and to have a win-win game.
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Here is the answer about why it is so difficult for many foreigners recently
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2022, 03:39:15 AM »

Here is the answer about why it is so difficult for many foreigners recently to find a work visa job in China

  I promised that I'll answer it soon but I had some problems like no electricity

The Wu-ye:  您好!目前小区已停电,故障原因正在排查中,给大家带来不便,敬请谅解!

We: 好的,谢谢!

a) "Lad this is actually insane. You're literally a bum in a developing country."

Oversimplified as usual. If this kind of oversimplification is working for those who're just thinking that "He said so, then it's true.", I want to ensure you that it's not working here (where some people are highly educated and spend their time reading and learning endlessly.)

1. According to many (including Western) people China is no longer a developing country. Bing it, Google it, Yandex it, Baidu it and so on and you'll find a lot of materials about it.

2. "A bum" is overexaggerated. I own an apartment that costs 0.35 million yuan. I am earning some cents and eurocents online. Also, earning some yuans online. So if you think that I rely only on the bottles and cans (recycle business) earnings (which is no more than 4 yuan per week) you have to be too naive.

b) "If China's so great, why does the society allow people like you to fall to such positions?"

 There is no such thing as "society that allows"... there are more than a milliard of individuals in China, most of which, even don't know that I do exist. So nobody allows or disallows something about me or people like me.

c) "Surely that's a massive failure in the system."

Or maybe it's not? What if the purpose is to be protectionist? J. said that he likes it and thinks that he wish his West-European country to be the same. Remember? When I told him that "Let's say: protectionism in PRC. This is it. They just don't want foreigners who're not rich enough and who're not sky-rocket educated in fields that will help China to be number 1 in the world and to overpass USA.", he answered:
"And yes China protect their low level labors. Nothing wrong with it...

I wish France does the same, ..."

So? If you're his puppet (alter ego) then you're contradicting yourself. And if you're just a troll or just another hater with anti-Chinese attitude then you just have to understand it: the nowadays China is protectionistic and pragmatic, so if you're just a poor master of philosophy (with a TEFL and some sports' degrees) who writes some e-books, poems and articles... you're just "not good enough" for the nowadays China.
If you're not lucky enough someone to give you a legal (work visa) job sooner or later, you're just leaving China. Of course, this is the nowadays China. Before it wasn't like this (Hu Jintao's period, when I could work legally as a teacher with work visa), but now it's different. Nobody knows what will be the future China.

d) "Just look at all the mentally ill (yourself included) who find themselves roaming the streets of China with nothing to do but collect trash and ramble on and on about absolute rubbish." This is a false statement! It's a lie. People who know China (like that Chinese partner of yours, in case she or he isn't a fiction) will tell you that there are a lot of 救助站 (Jiu-zhu zhan)in China that help those people (educate yourself: https://upimg.baike.so.com/doc/6293415-6506931.html). Also, when you think that I'm "mentally ill" compare yourself with me and maybe you'll see that if I can be considered as a "mentally ill" then you're one who should wearing a straitjacket.
 Remember that the only thing that makes people like you better than me is your luck to be born in a Westerner and richer country. If you're without your money and citizenship, you'll be in a much worse than me situation in China (and not only in China)!

e) "At least in my country we don't let people get into such situations as yours."

If you're so proud of your country, then just don't come in China to bother the people here with your insanity. Go back there with your Chinese partner and if she or he can stand your country (because many of the Western countries do have better opportunities to foreigners like me but haven't enough security and culture like China) I only can wish you to live happily ever after!

f) "But no - you think China is the best despite the fact you sort trash and have to work illegally."

Another baseless claim.

1. I don't work illegally. If I did so, I can't search for a job now (i. e. you can't communicate with me now; don't forget that you know me just because I asked for a legal job in a WeChat group.)

2. I am not a fan of "X country is the best." because I am educated and experienced enough to know that every country has its advantages and disadvantages. To be honest, one of the things (disadvantages) of your Western world is exactly this: you're, mostly, insensitive, rude, aggressive. Often there the situation is "me or you", you're prone to violence so I do prefer China with its disadvantages, still...

3. As I said, to sell some empty bottles and cans is ONLY ONE of my actions/doings/earnings... I know you're too limited intellectually to understand that I also have some other incomes but at least you may try to remember 1 or 2 more -- I am earning online some money (from books, ads, videos, recipes) + I am teaching some private students at home (with a Chinese partner) which isn't illegal.

As a conclusion: I came in Hu Jintao's China as a 100% legal English teacher and there were periods when I earned even RMB 7000 monthly. Later China changed, the laws changed, many foreigners had to leave it. Some other came. Currently, it's not easy for many of the foreigners in China to get a work visa job. It's not like other countries when foreigners can work even in a bar or to become janitors. Some people said it's because of the government politics, other said that it's because the local people don't know how to apply for a foreign worker. For example, an American born Chinese who works here said
Like I said, they don't understand, they assume is hard and they don't want to try.
The reasons are complicated, I guess. It's not so clear why it became so difficult for many foreigners to find a legal job in China. But it's clear that you came here only to make my life harder, not to make it easier. You're just another Westerner who is a reminder to people like me (who chose the East) that it's better the West to be avoided.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2022, 04:09:50 AM by MSL »
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Lol. Mate, you're about as insecure as Chis Chan Jesus Christ Sonichu CPU godess of the C64. No cap on god frfr.

Only 2 Yuan a week!?!?!? I'll keep my eyes open for you around Haikou and chuck you a few of my empties. My heart goes out to you.

Not sure why you think I'm an incel, I'm clearly a chad sex haver. I've gone 6 for 5 before when I first came to China, it's too easy.

And don't worry - I've seen your face already, there's plenty of time for you to jump on the HRT and get the same look as Chirs.


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I did some online research. That J.' photos... the Most impressive was a woman showing half of her breast. Erotic atr?  ;D Never met more Full of himself photographer. Why he thinks that If a philosopher disagrees with his elementary 'ideas' and tries to teach him some real knowledge It is 'insane' and 'bs'?   ??? ::) Disrespectful foreigner who deserves to be invited to leave China. I don't Think China needs his photos and he is a contributor to the people.
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"Lol. Mate, you're about as insecure as Chis Chan Jesus Christ Sonichu CPU godess of the C64. No cap on god frfr."

 According to this sentence I make a guess that your intellectual age is not higher than 15-16 y. o. Or you are high right now?
 I'm also impressed (as some of my colleagues) how a straight male can be so familiar with some transgender person as that Chris guy. But... some people are just born like that.
 And yeah, I'm a bit insecure. Are you very secured? Usually the most surprised are those who're too sure that they'll do whatever they want... at one point they meet something or someone who shows them that they were not so "secured"... and then is coming the big cry.  :'( For example those who think they can swim very well drown more often than those who think that they're not very good swimmers and stay away from the water.

"Only 2 Yuan a week!?!?!? I'll keep my eyes open for you around Haikou and chuck you a few of my empties. My heart goes out to you."

Noble as usual and warmhearted too.
Dear brainy brickie, at least you got it AT LAST that the recycle business is just a small part (a little %) of my incomes, deeds, activities? Usually people with lower IQ need more examples, explanations and time to understand simple facts like this one. But you made it at last! Good student!

"Not sure why you think I'm an incel, I'm clearly a chad sex haver."

Oh, according to your mental distribution (like the form and the content of your sentences; your teenager-like emotions/reactions; your flawed logic constructions) I supposed that you're a sort of a mentalcel. But if you're a Chad -- cool, man! We're super positive people here, as you noticed already, and we (at least me, for sure) are wishing you to have good time with your partner (male or female partner, we can only guess... but according to your interests... hm, I think we all know the answer. :) And here I want to stress the difference between this incels' board and many of the others -- we're not homophobic and we can communicate friendly even with gaycels, GayChad sex havers and so on. So, join us and probably you'll ascend! (It's an invitation to all of the incels and incel-interested people, not only to the LGBTQ people.))

"And don't worry - I've seen your face already, there's plenty of time for you to jump on the HRT and get the same look as Chirs."

For those who're far away from your transgender (and maybe homosexual too? Don't worry and share with us. Seems you are a very honest person!) interests and never heard of HRT, I search it and it showed "hormone replacement therapy". I have to admit that you're sort of knowledgeable and I'll be not surprised if you already tried it. But, I'll disappoint you: I'm 100% straight male who uses every free minute to do some sports (to enlarge his strength, muscles and testosterone levels) and I'm satisfied with my present hormone status. (I know that some guys like you dream of this: "God, help us more and more males to become one of us, more and more gays, transgenders and bisexuals, please God!" and I understand that maybe you're attracted to my ripped body and you like me very much... but, as you know, most of the people are straight; the homosexuals and bisexuals are a minority... so, sorry! You have to be satisfied that at least you got one partner so far.)

 And as a positive end of this post of mine: To all incels (truecels), nearcels, self-proclaimed incels, failed normies (failed Normans), fakecels and similar groups of people -- this is an optimistic (life-fuel) example -- once you're taking good care (permanent sports and healthy lifestyle) like me, even when you're in your middle 40's (like me) you'll be able to attract younger and much younger people (well,sometimes not females, but males like this one here, but... at least you should be glad that there are people who think you're sexy!) Now go to maxx and never minn!
« Last Edit: August 18, 2022, 06:10:53 PM by MSL »
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People like these aren't some "Noblesse" (nobles; 出身高贵的人) or another romantic thing that some women from the poor countries imagine (and when they have the chance to spend with them time longer than a week they start to realize simple truths like:

- Oh, but he even didn't take a shower these days! He stinks more than our local males!
- Oh, no! He lies on the bed with his dirty shoes! Such a pig!
- He even don't make push-ups! His beer belly is suffocating me!
- He curses more than my drunken uncle! I feel am with a degraded moron!
- His hometown looks worse than our suburbs!)

 So, just don't idealize these people and you'll be okay. I told you -- usually the only advantage that they have is more money/capital and better citizenship (for example in China even those with South African citizenship may become English teachers with RMB 15-20 k salaries but a person from Malta or Sweden can't... )
 I bet that these ones, if you put them in my situation (without enough income and with a nearly useless East-European passport) they're not going to survive a year (they haven't university degrees, they can't speak many languages, their Chinese is not good at all, their behavior is rude for the Chinese standards, their IQs are teenager level IQs or around it...) And the only problem is that because of these low-level people many Chinese would think that "all foreigners are like them". And as you may see, there are some foreigners like Eli and me who're the ones who you can call "nobles"... If we continue with this analogy, the guys in question, are something like descendants of their pirates (sea criminals) who made themselves rich in the most dishonest and disgusting ways not some grand-grandsons of their scientists, philosophers, poets and noble leaders.
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I did some online research. That J.' photos... the Most impressive was a woman showing half of her breast. Erotic atr?  ;D Never met more Full of himself photographer. Why he thinks that If a philosopher disagrees with his elementary 'ideas' and tries to teach him some real knowledge It is 'insane' and 'bs'?   ??? ::) Disrespectful foreigner who deserves to be invited to leave China. I don't Think China needs his photos and he is a contributor to the people.

Please, nobody doxx him (don't tell his real name and don't advertise his website for nothing!)
And on-topic now:
1. I'm not surprised, to be honest. I also noticed it and some of his videos which were like "Hi, long time didn't come to this park! I am here again and now I'll show you the park." But I don't understand the art of photography and I'm not a professional video maker. So I don't judge his work and I can't say "He sucks!" or "He is good!" because I am a person who knows his limits and I am a responsible man who is not going to ruin his reputation or to speak lies.
 He and this one (maybe his puppet, maybe not) are the opposite -- they don't understand ANYTHING about the philosophy, anthropology, incelology, politology, sociology and other things related to the humans but they're willing to show me how I (the philosopher who learned a lot and continues to learn) am stupider and crazier than them.

 Partly, it's because of the cognitive bias knows as "The Dunning-Kruger effect": https://blog.stockspot.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/dunning-kruger-3.jpg. But also it's because of their lack of social skills, ethics and normal norms of behavior. I wonder if at least once in their lives their parents, teachers, friends, etc. told them what is the ethical, cooperative, responsible and social way of communication. (When I communicate with this type of people, the only feeling I have is "savage" and "underdeveloped." They really could develop much better if they were born in more cultured and social society or microsociety but it was their bad luck... and now they even can't realize how low are they standing and have no idea they need to change.)

 2. The closest and most emotional idea is this "Kick him out of China! We have got enough photographers!" but if we think a bit more rationally we should admit that AS FAR AS HE is earning his money via honest labor (including photo art job) it's at least not harmful for China and, to be just, if many Chinese may go abroad to work there, let the foreigners to work in China too. (But, of course, if he's getting too hostile and/or harmful to Chinese and PRC nobody will let him to stay here forever).
 When I visited Macao (SAR of PRC, close to another SAR - Hongkong) several times, I noticed there plenty of foreigners (from Malaysia, Portugal, Britain, Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, Bulgaria, Korea, Australia and some other countries) who were working different jobs (in shops, casinos, companies) and the impression was that they're normal people who can't harm Macao and who can  be friendly to local people and towards themselves. But I also saw how fast is the police there (when there are some bad foreigners; I even helped the policemen once) and everything looks just find in Macao. I wish PRC could be something like that -- don't limit the foreigners but at the same time, arrest at once the bad ones! (One of my jobs in Europe was related to the police; I don't want to describe details and it was less than a year so I even don't include it in my resumes. But since that time, I learned that if the policemen want to work well, all the problems, including foreigners related problems, are solved instantly. Something like that I saw in Macao and it was really impressive!)
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About the contributions... Look, obviously as you all see the person lacks of respect, basic ethic norms, etc. I can't argue. But the contributions... let's think about it deeply. Sure, taking photos and creating some art (I suppose he can be included in the "artist" category but I don't understand photography art, so I have no idea what is the real art quality and value of his works) isn't some sort of great contribution to the Chinese people, PRC and the socialism but as long as he's not doing something illegal and his labor is honest he should have the right to be in China. And I am saying it now because I like him very much (you know that I have very negative emotions towards him but... don't need to describe anymore because he'll say again that I'm "dangerous") but because there are many Chinese like him who reside in Europe and other countries and who are also not so contributive there -- for example they have hairdresser salons, restaurants, clothes shops... Are these salons, restaurants and shops more contributive than J.'s photography services? Not at all. Chinese can make own photos, Europeans can make their own salons, food and clothes... but if Chinese would like to live in Europe (or another place) -- let them be (as far and as long as they don't break the rules there) and if Europeans like him would like to live in China -- let him be (also as far and as long as he doesn't break the rules here).
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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