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Author Topic: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date  (Read 1420 times)

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Good incel

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Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« on: October 07, 2022, 05:22:35 PM »

Good compliments but no wish to date. Did you have this kind of encountering?

These days I had these two brutal encounterings. They gave me compliments how good I am at study, homeworks, achievements (like sport, study, adaptation and so on) but when it comes to meet up "Uh, no, no... I am okay." :(  :'(
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2022, 02:42:44 AM »
Maybe they used it as an excuse (or to compensate somehow) the fact that they're not attracted to you.


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2022, 05:26:32 PM »
 The standards are higher, more and more of these girls are pickier and pickier... so, it's normal more and more to reject us. As you know even the so-called "Chads" and "Gigachads"/"GigaChads" are getting sometimes rejected. No wonder -- the females, usually, have more choice than the males (especially in the places where the male:female ration is significant and/or where the males' standards aren't very high).
 But this doesn't mean that you should stop being good at study, sport, adaptation and so on. Rejection isn't your fault once you're doing your best to be the better or the best version of yourself.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2022, 06:32:22 PM »
This is a sort of mistake -- study, achievements, sport, health... good but when it comes the girls to choose you they don't run on facts and logic that much. Long-term qualities in a partner are rare to girls' interest. Many men make the mistake of optimizing for long-term qualities; they are misled into doing so when they see women settling down with financially stable, clever, healthy and loyal men. What they don't see is that females only settle for those men after a youth spent chasing short-term qualities (like good-looking face, good-sounding voice, etc.) In this reality, only the sport may (to some point) help you to improve your looks but if you're not at least a bit handsome or rich your chances aren't very good.
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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2022, 02:18:33 AM »
Optimizing (aka maxxing) for long-term qualities isn't a mistake; it's a mistake only if they forget the rest (to optimize or to maxx for the short-term qualities). 8) 


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2022, 02:26:58 AM »
Considering the controversys I've been in before, I can say I am not any one of the girls Good Incel is talking about.
Over it.

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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2022, 03:02:01 AM »
Oh yes, I didn't mean Lexi at all. Other ones.
Inceldom sucks...


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2022, 03:06:41 AM »
Oh yes, I didn't mean Lexi at all. Other ones.

Exactly. When I talk to people I make it very clear about what I'm talking about (or try to).
Over it.


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2022, 04:42:41 AM »
 Sure, there are non-stop these situations.

 For example, this one:

 After met once on the street and starting the chat, I am asking (the second chat): "你喜欢做什么?喜欢去什么地方?" (What do you like to do? What places do you like to visit?)
She:  ";D ;D 哈哈问的那么细致嘛" (Ha ha, you asked me so carefully/with precision)

I decided to explain myself and said: "就是要知道你喜欢做什么,爱什么地方。要认识你的喜欢的和不喜欢的。这样可以做更好的朋友。比如如果你不喜欢公园,我不叫你去公园。这样--慢慢认识的。" (Just because I want to know what do you like to do, what places do you like. I'd like to know what you like and what you dislike. Like this we can make better friends. For example, if you dislike parks, I won't call you to go to a park. Like this -- to know each other step by step.) I added a watermelon and a lovely face emoticons too.

She: " ;D 见面就不用了吧" (No need to meet up.)

This disappointed me (I know some PUAs will say it's a common "shit test", i. e. A sort of test that a girl performs on a male by saying or doing something to judge the reaction or response from him. ) but I don't believe very much in this theory. If a girl really likes you (and she isn't a moron) she is not going to blow up her chance with something like this. So I decided to use a "don't waste my time and I don't waste your time" and told her:

"不用聊天,不用见面,什么也不用吗?" (No need to chat, no need to meet, everything "no need"?) and added a question mark emoticon.
"你是不是有男朋友?" (You have a boyfriend, haven't you?)

She: "你猜哈哈" (You guess ha ha)
"只是我觉得我不认识你哦……" (I just feel I don't know you eh...)

Here I decided to be as clear and logical as I can and I told her these:

"所以我慢慢试试了认识你和你认识我。我慢慢问问问题:比如你喜欢什么地方,你做什么工作,你爱什么,你不爱什么。。。。。。 这个方式不是对的吗?" (That's why step by step I tried to know you better and to let you to know me better. Step by step asked you questions: for example, what places do you like, what do you work, what do you like, what do you dislike... This method isn't right or what?) (with a question mark emoticon)

"而且我也自己介绍了--我毕业了什么,我不喝什么,不吸烟,等。我觉得了这样慢慢介绍是对的。可你不喜欢,所以我建议直接见面。"(Also, I also introduced myself -- told you what is my major, told you that I don't drink this and that, told you that I don't smoke, etc. I thought that this gradual way of introduction is right. But you dislike it, so I directly suggested you to meet up.) (with a thumb up emoticon)

"当然,如果你觉得我对你不够帅(好看)还是不够富有,我会理解。不给你压力。你自己决定。我不会浪费你的时间。我是个合理的人。" (Of course, if you think that I am not enough handsome (good-looking) or not enough rich, I will understand. No pressure. You decide. I won't waste your time. I am a reasonable person.) (with a rose emoticon and an OK emoticon)

She didn't say a word.

After around an hour I added: "慢慢考虑你要怎么样子的。" (Take your time and consider it/think about it.)

She answered: " ;D ;D ;D 哈哈我暂时不考虑找哦" (Currently I don't want to consider about searching ah)

Then I asked again some questions to make for myself clear where is the reason (and if there is something that was my fault; to know what to try to improve in myself if possible):




(Do you have a boyfriend?

Or don't you like me?

If you don't like me, may I ask -- is it because you are afraid of foreigners or because my appearance is not satisfying your ideal male attitude?)

She said: "哈哈没有啦


我没那么容易喜欢上别人喔" (Ha ha No

We only met once

I don't like others so easily)

Here I told her:

"因为我不好看,所以肯定不会容易的。" (Because I am not a good-looking one, so of course it can not be easy.)

She added: "

没有对外国人有偏见喔" (Ha ha, I don't pay attention to the looks

No prejudice against foreigners)

I didn't believe this version so I decided to be frank how pity I am and how pity I feel but, still, how reasonable and clever I am:

"我就不行。。。。。。我是个失败者。。。。。。可是我试试,因为如果不试试就生活一点都没有意思的。可是,我觉得,已经要放弃,因为没有什么用。天天读书,锻炼,吃健康的,喝健康的,洗澡,洗手--一辈子都是努力,努力,努力当个帅的男人,可是看来我的外貌,我的身体--都是差的。" (I just can't do it (I am not good for you)... I'm a loser...... But I try, because if I don't try, life is meaningless. However, I feel that I have to give up because it is useless. Day by day reading, exercising, eating healthily, drinking healthily, bathing, and washing hands -- I've worked hard all my life to become a handsome man, but it seems that my appearance and my body are insufficient.)

She: "为啥觉得自己是个失败者呢" (Why do you think you are a loser?)

I answered: "好看的帅哥们--都会有女友。富有的叔叔们--也是。我--又穷,又丑。没门的。我除了我的知识和浪漫的心--什么都没有。" (All good-looking guys have girlfriends. Rich uncles -- too. I am poor and ugly. No way. I have nothing but my knowledge and romantic heart.)

She: "努力生活就很棒呀" (Trying hard in your life is great ah!/ Living and trying hard to achive the things in your life is great!)

I: "因为没有人会见我的。" (Because there is no one who wants to have date with me.)
"缺爱的,没有人喜欢我的生活就是个垃圾的生活吧。" (Loveless life, a life where nobody likes you is just a trash life, isn't it?)
"没关系。你是美丽的,有教育的。肯定会找到男朋友。我--就是个失败者。算了。不好意思麻烦你了。" (But it's okay. You are pretty, educated. Surely you will find a boyfriend. I -- I am just a loser. Forget it. Sorry for bothering you.) (Sweating emoticon and a rose emoticon)

She: "


" (Don't talk about yourself like this.
People who work hard are great.)

And I ended it with a great sentence  8) (I am sure many incels will like it!  8) )

"但是看来很棒对你不够。。。。。。大家不要很棒,大家要帅的和有钱的。"(But it seems that being great isn't enough for you... Nobody cares about "great", everybody wants handsome and rich.)
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #9 on: October 12, 2022, 03:22:20 PM »
I even don't understand why she's wasting her time adding guys that doesn't want to meet, chat, etc. Logic 0...


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2022, 02:24:19 AM »
Another one, more frustrating, was that she just re-add me for helping her for free with some English homework. But I have no time to speak about it now. Next time maybe.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2022, 02:58:47 AM »
Another one, more frustrating, was that she just re-add me for helping her for free with some English homework. But I have no time to speak about it now. Next time maybe.

If someone is using you then it's just a lost cause.
Leave her before it gets worse.
Over it.


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2022, 03:26:31 PM »
But I don't remember if I met some woman (except 2 grandmothers) who's not going to use me. Most of them just do this -- ask for help, sometimes even for money...


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2022, 06:19:51 PM »
Another one, more frustrating, was that she just re-add me for helping her for free with some English homework. But I have no time to speak about it now. Next time maybe.

If someone is using you then it's just a lost cause.
Leave her before it gets worse.

You are very right! I already deleted her once but now she re-added me. And I had to delete her again. Here come the detailed story:

Someone is adding me late at night. Around 2:08 A.M. I had no idea who is he/she. And I do accept the invitation (or whatever they call it).

She: 你好 (Hello) and after I answered with another "hello" she made it clear with

2:09:19 AM 你怎么还没睡 (Why are you still not sleeping?)
2:10:27 AM 对了,你可以帮我翻译一个东西吗 (Right, can you help me with a thing to translate it?)

So obvious that she's not caring if I have some problems and why I am staying late; she just re-added me to translate that something for her. But, because I am an experienced man and I know that there are people who do believe that you are their free translator and they're okay to give you long texts that consume 5 or more hours, I said:

2:12:24 AM
你是哪位? ;D  (Who are you?  ;D )
2:12:49 AM
如果没有那么长的,可以现在翻译。 (If it's not very long, I can translate it now.) (added an "OK" emoticon)

Then she didn't wait long and sent it.
Good morning everyone. Nice to meet you. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is __________ . I am _____ years old. I come from ______ . I'm a freshman. I study in ________ school. I can _______ . I like _______ . I'm polite and brave. Thank you.
(Obviously their teacher doesn't care about the exclamation marks. There were also some space errors but this is the level of their school. Not one of the best obviously.) What was my surprise when I saw this simple text? I was like "Wow! So simple, even some from grade 1 or 2 will unerstand it all (or almost all) and they're not going to waste time to search for a translator!" I asked her:

2:15:25 AM
你不懂这些?好简单。(Which ones you don't understand. It's all very simple.)

Then she said that it's simple but to her it's a very complicated text that she doesn't understand because her English isn't good.

I decided to finish it as soon as possible because I didn't want to waste all my night in this way (I am doing much more meaningful things than this at night when I'm online, like learning new skills, knowledge and reading literature, politics, etc.):

2:15:53 AM
你不懂那个单词?问。(Which words are the ones you don't understand? Ask me.)

She answered:
2:16:28 AM
怎么说呢 (I don't know how to explain it.)

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) Here I started to think that this girl is really slow! Started to explain her more how to find the words that she doesn't understand:

 2:16:55 AM
你肯定懂good morning和school吧。(You surely understand "good morning" and "school", I am right?)
 She confirmed it. Then I again tried:

2:17:40 AM
所以,你写下哪一个不懂,我告诉你。 (So, now right down which one you don't understand and I will tell you (the meaning).)
2:18:04 AM
比如:name = 名字。(For example, the word "name".)
2:18:21 AM
一个一个看。写下哪一些不懂。(Read (watch) them one by one. Right down which ones you don't understand.)
And then she wrote a whole sentence  ;D ;D ;D which was " I study in ________ school." OMG! I translated for her this sentence:
2:20:45 AM
"我在学习在(什么)学校。" ("I study in (what) school.")

After a while she started to express her sorrow or some another negative emotion with:

2:26:20 AM
服了假期马上要结束了,我英语单词还没学会 (with a crying emoticon) (The vacation is coming to an end. I haven't learned English words yet)

I told her frankly:

2:28:39 AM
如果你还没学了这么简单的,说实话,你不会考过你的英语的考试。你真的要努力学习。这些-- I study 什么的是1年级和2年级的水平。希望你会注意。 (with a thumb-up emoticon) (If you haven't learned such a simple thing, to tell the truth, you won't pass your English exam(-s). You really need to study harder. These -- "I study" and so on are for the level of grade 1 and grade 2. I hope you will pay attention.)
Then I spent some more time to explain her about the dificulty level of the words and what she should learn.

She commented:

 2:30:29 AM
所以啊我现在还不敢睡觉 (So now I don't dare to go to sleep)
 2:31:29 AM
我可不想去老师办公室读英语 (I don't want to go to the teacher's office to read English)
2:36:43 AM
我之前不怎么学英语 (I didn't learn English very much before)

Here was the moment when I reminded her how she lost her chance before:

 而且,我以前告诉了你--我会开始慢慢免费教你英语 ,可是你不要了 。一点都不要了见我(我知道我丑 ,可是免费课是个很好的事儿,好多人会高高兴兴如果有我这样的个哥哥教他们免费的 。我没想到了你不敢见我。 )( Moreover, I told you before -- I will start to teach you English for free slowly (without pressure; gradually), but you didn't want to. I didn't want to meet me at all (I know I'm ugly, but free classes are a good thing. Many people will be happy if a big brother like me teaches them for free. I didn't expect you to not dare to see me.) (and added different emoticons to make it more friendly.)

 Then she started to deflect it in this way:
 2:38:32 AM
我没说我不敢见你啊 (I didn't say I don't dare to meet you ah)

 I: 是的。你没说了。你就不要了。 所以我们不见了。我请了你好多次,你一次都不要了。所以不要说。我懂。 (Yes. You didn't say it. You just didn't want to. So we didn't meet up. I invited you many times. You didn't accept it even once. So, no need to say it. I understand.)

She: 2:43:03 AM
是吗我不记得了 (Really? I don't remember)
2:43:47 AM
那时候是真的不想学英语,但是现在不得不学 (At that time, I really didn't want to learn English, but now I have no choice but to learn it.)

To prove her that she really doesn't want to meet me I made a new invitation:

2:44:55 AM
明天要见吗? (Do you want to meet up tomorrow?)

She started with the excuses:

2:45:55 AM
可是我还有作业没写咯,这几天都在玩 (But I still have to write my homeworks, these days I only played)
2:49:43 AM
而且7号就要回学校了 (On top of that, 7th is the day when we have to go back to school)

This was enough for me to conclude it:

嗯。就是--看到了吗?我请你的时候,你的回答一直是“不行”。 丑的男人的命运就是这样的:无休止的拒绝的。当然这个不是你的错误,是我的。坦白说,我并不怪你。 (Yep. So you saw it? When I invite you, your answer every time is "I can't". The fate of ugly men is like this: endless refusal. Of course, it's not your fault, it's mine. Frankly speaking, I don't blame you.)

Here she started with the typical bluepilled statements (i. e. these platitudes that are not true in most of the cases):

2:55:44 AM
管他长得好不好看做自己就是最好的 (No matter how good he looks, it's the best to be himself)

I tried to give her some redpilled knowledge (i. e. the truth based on frank inceldom studies):

2:57:44 AM
不好看 = 孤独的, 无爱情的, 痛苦的。(Not good-looking=lonely, loveless, painful / hardship.)
2:57:59 AM
没有人会说:“我要当个不好看的人。” (No one will say, "I want to be a bad looking (ugly) person.")
2:58:29 AM
帅,好看,美丽 -- 都是需要的。丑的人们没有好的生活(如果也是穷的。)(Handsome, good-looking, beautiful -- all are needed. The ugly people have no good life (if they are also poor))

She:  3:00:04 AM
我还羡慕你咯成绩那么好哪像我成绩不好长得也不好看 (I envy you. Your grades are so good, which makes me look bad)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ROFL! Like it matters how good are your grades when nobody thinks she wants to meet you up!

 Then I explained her a bit more; she didn't get it and after another topic (not related to the inceldom and loneliness) in which she demonstrated her full ignorance and naivety (like "If I saw it on TV, then it's 100% true.") I just said "Thank you and bye!"

 As you maybe saw: she sees me only as a free study tool, doesn't even want to meet me once (even when there is such a good benefit like free useful and necessary foreign language) and as Lexi said "leave before it gets worse"! (The worse is that this type of people are getting the feeling that they're more and more entitled to your time, help, emotional efforts, etc., and at the end of the day you're more miserable and more unattractive -- because instead of using this time to do more sports, to learn more, to take showers and search for incomes, you're just stucked with their problems ruining your life).
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: Brutal: good compliments but no wish to date
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2022, 12:20:17 AM »
Good that you didn't become an orbiter. ;D

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