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Author Topic: About the Looks Threshold  (Read 3834 times)

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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2023, 03:40:55 AM »
Very right. I like how you said it!
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2023, 06:49:56 AM »
Very well and very, very, very right said!
An ethnicel...

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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2023, 08:23:51 PM »
I would say my look threshold is very low. I basically have yet to encounter with any girl whose look is so bad that I will disquality her for being a dating material to me.

And of course it is very naive to say personality is everything. That is the antithesis of blackpill and both of them are not correct, but who cares about look threshold or this or that thresholds when you don't care about relationship like me loool


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2023, 11:39:09 PM »
Only personality = blue pill. I know. :)

So, you are a volcel now. Cool. 8)


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2023, 01:08:09 AM »
I would say my look threshold is very low.
I'd say it's something very good. It makes you more fit in the dating area. I am not joking. It's in fact super cool when you feel that some girl is pretty enough while the others don't like her. Then your chances are super high + you have no worries that somebody else will compete with you. 8) At least two of my ex-girlfriends were my girlfriends because there were no other males to like them (not because these girls found me very attractive). They just had no other option  ;D. And, at the same time, I found them pretty attractive (because I like short and darkish skin females, but all the males around them were like "No, too short!" and/or "I want a blond girl." and/or "I want an elder one, not going to date a schoolgirl.")
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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2023, 01:41:42 AM »
I would say my look threshold is very low.
I'd say it's something very good. It makes you more fit in the dating area. I am not joking. It's in fact super cool when you feel that some girl is pretty enough while the others don't like her. Then your chances are super high + you have no worries that somebody else will compete with you. 8) At least two of my ex-girlfriends were my girlfriends because there were no other males to like them (not because these girls found me very attractive). They just had no other option  ;D. And, at the same time, I found them pretty attractive (because I like short and darkish skin females, but all the males around them were like "No, too short!" and/or "I want a blond girl." and/or "I want an elder one, not going to date a schoolgirl.")
Nah my height restricts my dating pool extremely a lot even though I have low thresholds for girl, but I had two romances. I've given up dating since it has become tedious to me.

I've even already been 'disconnecting' with people and seluding myself from others for long time, unless he/she is really important to me. I am already unemphasizing socialization.


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2023, 04:50:34 AM »
 An army analogy. Let's say the height is like the air force. If your army is lacking it, well, it's a trouble but still, you can compensate it in other ways like more ground forces (like tanks), more naval ones (like submarines), more diplomacy-maxx  ;D (like making more powerful friends who are providing you economical, political and military support)... in a word, learn from Ukraine -- their president could easily just run away and to give up because the initial Ukrainian army was almost nothing compared to the Russian one. But you see now? They compensated their air force weakness with all those tanks-maxx, dimplomacy-maxx (sanctions, etc.), etc. and many months without significant air force support they succeed to keep their freedom.
 The height is a problem and being a shortcel sucks, but you're not exactly a shortcel. You're around the middle height, so you can compensate with better body (six pack abs, bigger shoulder muscles, etc. gymmaxx), fashionmaxx, artmaxx and so on. There is room to improve yourself. Now you're maybe only 67% of your "best self". Based on my philosophy (atleastism), you can at least add 20%, be a better self, if you can't be your best self and then, at least, 2-3 Becky-tier girls are going to like you. Otherwise, you'll be able to get a wife anyway, I don't have any doubts about it, because you're this type of person who's able to get university job, to make a good salary life and then maybe some woman will see you as a beta-buxx but it's not a very good option because she'll have an indirect interest being your wife; the better is when there is direct interest, i. e. when they like you for what you're not only for what you have. Sure, most of the females do mix the indirect interest and the direct interest, but still better than just indirect interest ("I will marry Lib because of his good uni salary!") ;D
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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2023, 05:04:25 AM »
An army analogy. Let's say the height is like the air force. If your army is lacking it, well, it's a trouble but still, you can compensate it in other ways like more ground forces (like tanks), more naval ones (like submarines), more diplomacy-maxx  ;D (like making more powerful friends who are providing you economical, political and military support)... in a word, learn from Ukraine -- their president could easily just run away and to give up because the initial Ukrainian army was almost nothing compared to the Russian one. But you see now? They compensated their air force weakness with all those tanks-maxx, dimplomacy-maxx (sanctions, etc.), etc. and many months without significant air force support they succeed to keep their freedom.
 The height is a problem and being a shortcel sucks, but you're not exactly a shortcel. You're around the middle height, so you can compensate with better body (six pack abs, bigger shoulder muscles, etc. gymmaxx), fashionmaxx, artmaxx and so on. There is room to improve yourself. Now you're maybe only 67% of your "best self". Based on my philosophy (atleastism), you can at least add 20%, be a better self, if you can't be your best self and then, at least, 2-3 Becky-tier girls are going to like you. Otherwise, you'll be able to get a wife anyway, I don't have any doubts about it, because you're this type of person who's able to get university job, to make a good salary life and then maybe some woman will see you as a beta-buxx but it's not a very good option because she'll have an indirect interest being your wife; the better is when there is direct interest, i. e. when they like you for what you're not only for what you have. Sure, most of the females do mix the indirect interest and the direct interest, but still better than just indirect interest ("I will marry Lib because of his good uni salary!") ;D
But you are downplaying the detriment of being short though. I have seen countless shortcels who are way better than me in other aspects but they got filtered out again and again by girls and I concluded being short is a very serious disadvantage so that it's very likely that even if you are very good in other aspects, being short will still be an instant disqualifier for dating, although there are opposite examples for sure, but in general, you are way more likely to encounter with the former case. I am not being overpessimistic, and if I really can compensate, I will have stopped height dysphoria. And, I found out for some shortcels, they would forever feel inferior no matter how good they were in other aspects, since you can never change your height, but of course, it's of no use wasting your time on feeling sorry for your own height instead of working on other aspects of your life. This sounds sacrilegious but it is 100% true.


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2023, 06:21:44 PM »
But you are downplaying the detriment of being short though.
Only if you were a midget. For example, if you were a 1.10 m person, all I said maybe will be not that useful. But with your height, even in Shanghai you're closer to the middle height than to the midgets, so the maxx-es could work on you. Like now you're 10% attractive (from 100 girls only 10 may think you're cute) but if you add muscles, change your style (to the most contemporary fashions around or discover some own unique style), popularity-maxx (like you have got 1.5 million followers online) and so on, then you can rise it up to at least 25% (from 100 girls, 1/4 will like you; Some will still say "Nah, too short.", others will be like "Too nerdy!" and there will be those who are "Only GigaChad!!! I am a princess I want the best!" but still if you're popular, muscular, stylish and rich enough, there will be 1 of 4 or around it to say "Yes, this man is okay!" And maybe you'll get some additional % of those who will agree to be with you for a short-term thing like "one night stand", if it matters to you.)
I have seen countless shortcels who are way better than me in other aspects but they got filtered out again and again by girls
Depends on where. If they're in New Your or Shaghai and they deal with these princess syndrome type girls around (the majority, not all), then yes. But if you're in some town like 彰武 (Zhang wu), 库尔勒 (Kuerla; Korla), Akron or Santa Rosa then you will see at least 1/3 of the females who are not going to think first and most about your height (because, still, I mean you're not a typical shortcel but you may be if you're in Northern Europe or in some American place where the people are very tall.)

 The height is mostly subjective (i. e. relative) -- as I told to that Scandinavian girl, if I am in her country I'll look to others like "a shortie" but if I am in South-East Asia (for example, in Laos) I'll be seen as a "tall European". That's why for the heightcels (no matter shortcels or tallcels) the best maxxing is geomaxx and then, if possible, everything else:

- gymmax (the second best)
- moneymaxx (the nearly universal equalizer)
- popularitymaxx (sometimes not a good choice if you want a quiet life)
- artmaxx (painting, musical instruments and singing, photography)
- etc. maxx  :)
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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2023, 06:35:22 PM »
 Let me add only one more example. It's about the salary but the analogy is really strong and based!  8) When I came to China and my salary was around RMB 4000 most of the Chinese women from the big cities perceived me as a "poor foreigner", "a loser", "average income", "And you call yourself a successful man?!" but at that time, this income was a 3-4 times higher than the average (median) one in Bulgaria. There many people (males and females) was like "How?! Just like being a teacher?!", "You're damn lucky!", "I even can't earn RMB 40!", "You're a liar, maybe you're just a communist and the Party pays you that much, we all know you're a communist!!", "Wow! I want to be an English teacher in China too!", "Send me money, bro!"...
 You see? The height is the same. In Shanghai you're not that tall, but in Laos or Equador, or Timor-Leste you're "Normal man" and even "He's tall."  :) It's really relative.
 But, yes, because you're heading to "Chadlands"  ;D (the places where the Chad percentage is higher) you'll face some geominn in one or another degree, so without serious maxxing the locals (the majority I guess) will not give you a chance. But, as I said, later you may find a wife online, there is no need to search for a Chadland's female who'll probably will have higher standards.
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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2023, 03:36:19 AM »
You have to remember that since I'm 1.50M anyone taller than that (even 1.51M) is tall to me lol.


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2023, 04:42:11 AM »
You're the lovely shortie of Scandinavia. :-*


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #27 on: April 19, 2023, 04:55:24 AM »
You're the lovely shortie of Scandinavia. :-*

I don't think I even sent you a picture of me  ;D


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2023, 05:15:32 AM »
I just imagine. Shortie and cute.


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Re: About the Looks Threshold
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2023, 05:20:43 AM »
I just imagine. Shortie and cute.

I can send a picture if you want lol.


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